Friday 22 June 2012

History Quiz - Part 4

History Quiz - Part 4

1) Who was the prime minister of Nandas?

1) Chanakya
2) Nanda
3) Asoka
4) Raksas

2) Who is known as the "Napoleon of India"?

1) Akbar
2) Chandragupta
3) Samudragupta
4) Ashoka

3) Who were the first European settlers in India?

1) English
2) Portuguese
3) French
4) Dutch

4) Who found the Mauryan Empire in India?

1) Chandragupta
2) Kanishka
3) Ashoka
4) Chanakya

5) In which year was India's capital shifted from Calcutta to Delhi?

1) 1935
2) 1900
3) 1911
4) 1929

6) Where was India's first civilization settled?

1) Deccan
2) Indus Valley
3) Ganges Plain
4) Kashmir

7) Who defeated the Marathas in the third battle of Panipat?

1) The British
2) The Afghans
3) The Mughals
4) The Rajputs

8) Who completed the construction of Qutb Minar at Delhi?

1) Babur
2) Qutb-ud-din Aibak
3) Iltutmish
4) Humayun

9) Who was the first Mughal emperor of India?

1) Ibrahim Lodhi
2) Sher Shah
3) Akbar
4) Babar

10) Who built the Taj Mahal in India?

1) Akbar
2) Jahangir
3) Shah Jahan
4) Aurangzeb

11) Who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913?

1) Debendranath Tagore
2) Rabindranath Tagore
3) Mohammad Iqbal
4) Mirza Galib

12) Who was the first royal convert to Buddhism?

1) Chandragupta Maurya
2) Ashoka
3) Ajatashatru
4) Akbar

13) During the reign of which emperor is the poet Kalidasa accepted to have lived?

1) Bimbisara
2) Akbar
3) Chandragupta Vikramaditya
4) Ashoka

14) During the 1857 mutiny who was the queen of Jhansi's trusted general?

1) Hyder Ali
2) Tantia Tope
3) Bhagat Singh
4) Chandrasekhar Azad

15) The daughter of what general of Alexander's army married Chandragupta Maurya?

1) Seleukos Nikator
2) Diomedes
3) Ptolemaius
4) Clitus

16) What king was the first to use rockets in warfare?

1) Hyder Ali
2) Shah Jahan
3) Jehangir
4) Tipu Sultan

17) The Brihadeeswara temple at Tanjore was built by an emperor of what dynasty?

1) Chola
2) Mughal
3) Chera
4) Pandya

18) What ruler is referred to as the 'Mad Monarch'?

1) Mohammad bin Tughlaq
2) Ashoka
3) Akbar
4) Hyder Ali

19) What theory of ancient Indian history has recently been disproved?

1) Gypsy migration theory
2) Aryan invasion theory
3) Theory of origin of Vedas
4) None of the above

20) What age in Indian History is referred to as the 'Golden Age'?

1) Ancient
2) Maurya
3) Gupta
4) Mughal

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