Tuesday 18 September 2012

A satisfying life boosts heart health

A satisfying life boosts heart health

London: As many individuals remain unhappy no matter how much they achieve in daily life, a study has found people who are satisfied with life are less likely to have heart ailments.
And the more happy people are with their "lot", the greater the protection, the Daily Express reports.
Scientists have proved the benefit of a satisfying life boosts heart health.
Julia Boehm of Harvard School of Public Health said: "Taken together, this research indicates that being satisfied with specific life domains - in particular one's job, family, sex life, and self - is a positive health asset."
The study was conducted on 8,000 British civil servants with an average age of 49 and included love relationships, leisure, standard of living, job, family and sex.
Boehm said: "These findings suggest that interventions to bolster positive psychological states - not just alleviate negative psychological states - may be relevant among high-risk individuals."
Image Courtesy: blogspot.com

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