Friday 22 June 2012

Personalities Quiz - Part 4

Personalities Quiz - Part 4

1) What two aspects of his life did Albert most appreciate?

1) Nature and Music
2) War and Politics
3) Philosophy and Math
4) Friends and Dancing

2) What was Albert Einstein's sister's name?

1) Raleigh
2) Paulina
3) Megan
4) Maja

3) In what country was Albert Einstein born?

1) Switzerland
2) Poland
3) Germany
4) Finland

4) Albert Einstein's uncle helped his family during the hard times with their electrical business. What was Alberts' uncle's name?

1) Yan
2) Hermann
3) Jakob
4) Also Albert

5) What gift did Albert recieve from his father when he was 5-years-old?

1) A compass
2) A protractor
3) A calculator
4) A bicycle

6) Einstein summed up the special theory of relativity in a magazine review a few years later with the now legendary equation E=mc2. How does this translate?

1) Energy=atomic mass squared
2) Energy=mass multiplied by velocity squared
3) Energy=mass multiplied by time squared
4) Energy=mass multiplied by the speed of light squared

7) What did Einstein win a Nobel Prize for in 1922, 17 years after relativity was first published?

1) Unified Field Theory of Relativity
2) Special Theory of Relativity
3) Services to Theoretical Physics
4) General Theory of Relativity

8) In 1905, the final jigsaw pieces of the special theory of relativity came to Einstein where?

1) Lunchbreak at the patent office
2) While reading David Hume
3) While hiking in the Alps
4) In his sleep

9) Polytechnic classmate and lifelong friend Marcel Grossman, used his father's influence to get Einstein a job in which countries patent office?

1) Switzerland
2) Austria
3) Germany
4) Italy

10) Einstein could not grasp which of these elementary school subjects, leading him into a mini depression?

1) Greek
2) Mathematics
3) Science
4) Geometry

11) At the age of thirteen, Einstein abandoned his religious fervor after studying the ideas of which 18th century philosoper suggested God might not exist?

1) Ralph Emmerson
2) Socrates
3) Friedrich Nietzshe
4) Immanuel Kant

12) Einstein could not grasp which of these elementary school subjects, leading him into a mini depression?

1) Greek
2) Mathematics
3) Science
4) Geometry

13) At the age of thirteen, Einstein abandoned his religious fervor after studying the ideas of which 18th century philosoper suggested God might not exist?

1) Ralph Emmerson
2) Socrates
3) Friedrich Nietzshe
4) Immanuel Kant

14) Mohandas Gandhi, later called Mahatma, was born in Gujarat, India in 1869. When he was 19, he went to England to study at University College, London (UCL). What did Gandhi study in England?

1) Political Science
2) Poetry
3) Law
4) Dentistry

15) Which actress from "Gone With the Wind" was born in Darjeeling, India and lived much of her life in London?

1) Vivien Leigh
2) Butterfly McQueen
3) Olivia de Havilland
4) Evelyn Keyes

16) Who was the first Indian F.R.S?

1) Curekji
2) Dadaji
3) Cursetji
4) Karimji

17) Who was the first to command the Indian navy?

1) Kartik
2) Katari
3) Katira
4) Krutari

18) Who was the first Muslim lady to sit in the throne of Delhi?

1) Noorjehan
2) Razia Riaz Monnera
3) Iltumisha
4) Sultana Razia Begum

19) Who was the first person in India to win a Nobel Prize?

1) Nowroji
2) CV Raman
3) Rabindranath Tagore
4) Chandrashekar

20) What was Florence's best known work (published in 1860)?

1) Notes on Nursing
2) Musings on Medicine
3) Excellent Enemas
4) Impeccable Injections

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