Friday 22 June 2012

Personalities Quiz - Part 3

Personalities Quiz - Part 3

1) How many times was Newton married?

1) Never
2) Two
3) One
4) Three

2) Under whose reign was Newton honored with a knighthood?

1) King Charles II
2) Queen Anne
3) King James II
4) King William III and Queen Mary II

3) When Newton was forty-seven, he sat for his first portrait. Who painted this now famous portrait of Newton?

1) Albert Cuyp
2) Thomas Murray
3) Sir Godfrey Kneller
4) David Logan

4) How old was Newton when he became Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge?

1) 27 years old
2) 47 years old
3) 35 years old
4) 40 years old

5) Which activity did Newton not enjoy doing as a child?

1) Singing and playing a harp
2) Building sundials, water clocks& windmills
3) Making and flying paper kites
4) Sketching and drawing

6) What was the occupation of Newton's father, also named Isaac, who died before Newton was born?

1) Tailor
2) Grammar school teacher
3) Innkeeper
4) Farmer

7) According to Pythagoras, the numbers 1, 3, 6, 10, etc. were called what?

1) Arithmetic
2) Square
3) Harmonic
4) Triangular

8) Which number was a perfect number, according to Pythagoras?

1) 7
2) 8
3) 9
4) 10

9) According to Pythagoras, which of the following had a real and separate existence outside our minds?

1) Numbers
2) Atoms
3) Letters
4) Ideal forms

10) Where did Pythagoras settle in about 530 B.C.?

1) Solus
2) Tarentum
3) Croton
4) Locri

11) Of which island was Pythagoras a native?

1) Rhodes
2) Samos
3) Lesbos
4) Sicily

12) Empedocles came up with which of the following ideas?

1) Irrational Numbers
2) Four Regular Solids
3) Four Elements
4) Counter-Earth

13) Which Pythagorean gave the first coherent account of the blood vessel system in our bodies?

1) Posidonius
2) Strato
3) Diogenes
4) Sylvius

14) Which Pythagorean thinker held that the heart was the special seat of life based on its central placement in the circulatory system?

1) Empedocles
2) Galen
3) Hippocrates
4) Heracleides

15) Who was the first to publish a book on Pythagorean doctrine?

1) Empedocles
2) Pythagoras
3) Philolaus
4) Alcmaeon

16) Yuri Gagarin was born in March of what year?

1) 1936
2) 1929
3) 1934
4) 1933

17) Yuri Gagarin became the first man in space on what date?

1) April 12, 1961
2) March 26, 1957
3) October 4, 1957
4) April 7, 1961

18) In 1922, Albert received what for his work?

1) A full time job
2) The Nobel Prize
3) A full time job as professor
4) A pre-paid vacation to Milan

19) How old was Albert when he died?

1) 76-years-old
2) 65-years-old
3) 92-years-old
4) 89-years-old

20) What were Albert's two favorite school subjects?

1) Algebra and Geography
2) Geometry and Philosophy
3) Psychiatry and Physical Fitness
4) English and Science

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