Friday 22 June 2012

India Quiz - Part 11

India Quiz - Part 11

1) Which king adopted titles such as Param Bhagaveta and Maharajadhiraja Sri Bhattaraka?

1) Asoka
2) Chandragupta Maurya
3) Samudragupta
4) Chandragupta II

2) What are Archer, Standard, Battle-axe, Kacha, and Tiger-slayer all types of?

1) Inscriptions
2) Bows
3) Coins
4) Swords

3) The Iron Pillar at Mehrauli was built during the ruling period of which dynasty?

1) Kushan Dynasty
2) Maurya Dynasty
3) Gupta Dynasty
4) Satvahanas Dynasty

4) Which astronomer's treatise was named 'Panchasiddhantika'?

1) Aryabhatta
2) Varahamihira
3) Gargi
4) Brahma Gupta

5) During whose reign did the apostle St.Thomas go to India to preach Christianity?

1) Kujala Kadphises
2) Gondophernes
3) Antialkidas
4) Wema Kadphises

6) In which year did Asoka wage the battle of Kalinga?

1) 263 B.C
2) 260 B.C
3) 261 B.C
4) 262 B.C

7) Who was the founder of the Gupta dynasty?

1) Chandragupta I
2) Chandragupta II (Vikramaditya)
3) Samudragupta
4) Skandgupta

8) Who was the last ruler of the Mauryan Kingdom?

1) Kunal
2) Asoka
3) Brihadratha
4) Tivara

9) Which Satvahana ruler adopted the title Tri-samudra-toya-pita-vahana?

1) Vashishtiputra Pulumayi
2) Gautamiputra Sri Satkarni
3) Simuka
4) Yajnasri Satkarni

10) Which Chinese traveller's description about the Indian society are recorded in the book 'Fo-Kero-Ki'?

1) Fa-hien
2) Hiuen Tsang
3) I-tsing
4) Pan-Ku

11) Back to the olden days. Who was left behind as the governor of India by Alexander the Great?

1) Ptolemey
2) Patrocles
3) Chandragupta
4) Selucus

12) One of the famous and controversial person during the freedom struggle who opposed Gandhiji's ideologies of non-violence and non-cooperation was one of these men. Which?

1) Gopalakrishna Ghokale
2) Nehru
3) Subhas Chandra Bose
4) Vallabhai Patel

13) Complete the trilogy, famous during the Indian Independence stuggle. Two were called Lal and Bal. Who was the third?

1) Mal
2) Gandhi
3) Bose
4) Pal

14) There were four dynasties flourising in Tamil Nadu. Three of them were Cheras, Cholas, Pandyas. Which was the fourth?

1) Kakatiyas
2) Rashtrakutas
3) Pallavas
4) Hoysalas

15) Who was the French governor who was defeated by Robert Clive during the Anglo-French wars in India?

1) Multiplex
2) Napoleon
3) Charles de Gaulle
4) Dupleix

16) Who was the prime minister of Nandas?

1) Chanakya
2) Nanda
3) Asoka
4) Raksas

17) Who is known as the "Napoleon of India"?

1) Akbar
2) Chandragupta
3) Samudragupta
4) Ashoka

18) Who were the first European settlers in India?

1) English
2) Portuguese
3) French
4) Dutch

19) When did India become a sovereign Democratic Republic?

1) 1947
2) 1945
3) 1942
4) 1950

20) Who found the Mauryan Empire in India?

1) Chandragupta
2) Kanishka
3) Ashoka
4) Chanakya

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