Friday 22 June 2012

India Quiz - Part 10

India Quiz - Part 10

1) What is the name of the indigenously developed third generation anti-tank missile to be inducted into the Indian Army in the nest couple of years?

1) Nag
2) Arrow
3) Sagarika
4) Javelin

2) What is the nickname of the Vickers MBT operated by the Indian Armor in the 1970s and 1980s?

1) Sharath
2) Ajeya
3) Vijayanta
4) Bheesma

3) The Indian Army has used tanks originally designed and built in many countries. Which of these countries has India never bought tanks or a license for production?

1) France
2) UK
3) Germany
4) USSR/Russia

4) Name the person who built Fort Necessity.

1) Edward Braddock
2) James Wolfe
3) Jeffrey Amherst
4) George Washington

5) The fourth and final phase of the French and Indian Wars lasted from 1756-1763. What is the name of the fourth phase?

1) King George's War
2) The French and Indian War (aka The Seven Years War)
3) King William's War
4) Queen Anne's War

6) The third phase of the French and Indian Wars lasted from 1744 to 1748. What is the name of the third phase?

1) Queen Anne's War
2) King William's War
3) King George's War
4) The French and Indian War (aka The Seven Years' War)

7) The second phase of the French and Indian Wars lasted from 1702 to 1713. What is the name of the second phase?

1) King George's War
2) The French and Indian War (aka The Seven Years War)
3) King William's War
4) Queen Anne's War

8) The first phase of the French and Indian Wars lasted from 1690 until 1697. What is the name of the phase?

1) Queen Anne's War
2) King William's War
3) King George's War
4) The French and Indian War (aka The Seven Years' War)

9) The French and Indian Wars were triggered when French and Algonquian Indians massacred the inhabitants of this city in 1690. Which?

1) Rochester
2) Albany
3) Schenectady
4) Salam

10) During his time of life in the Gupta empire, which of these is a famous play that the Gupta poet Kalidasa wrote?

1) Mohenjo-Daro
2) Shakuntala
3) Kshatriya
4) Ramayana

11) Which of these remains of the Gupta empire is the western Indian city of Ajanta most notable for?

1) Buddhist Monastery
2) Stone Carvings
3) Cave Painting
4) Large Temple

12) Which of these important inventions that is used all around the world was created by the Gupta civilization?

1) Leather Belts
2) 'Arabic' Numeral System
3) Farm Tractor
4) Newspaper

13) After the fall of the Maurya empire in India, what was the next major empire to unite many kingdoms in India?

1) Gupta
2) Dravidians
3) Tamil
4) Pandava

14) Which of these was not one of the things Asoka did for his people during his rule?

1) Make stone pillars across India
2) Send missionaries to Sri Lanka
3) Plant banyan trees by the roads
4) Set up food banks in poor towns

15) Known as the "philosopher king", Asoka was the emperer of the Maurya empire as of 268 BC. What was his relationship to Chandragupta, the original founder of the empire?

1) Grandson
2) Nephew
3) Son
4) Son-in-law

16) Which of these facts about Chandragupta is true?

1) He called his people children.
2) He converted to Buddhism and rejected war.
3) He trained women to protect his palace.
4) He had stone pillars set up through India with Buddhist inscriptions on them.

17) We know most of what we know today because of Megasthenes, an ambassador to the Maurya court. What empire was Megasthenes an ambassador for?

1) Greek
2) Egyptian
3) Roman
4) Ottoman

18) After Chandragupta forged his empire in the north, what geographic feature did he conquer most of after capturing the Ganges Valley?

1) Deccan
2) Indus River Valley
3) Western Ghats
4) Hindu Kush

19) Chandragupta, who first gained power after capturing the rich Ganges Valley, went on to create what ancient Indian empire with his son and grandson?

1) Gupta
2) Deccan
3) Maurya
4) Tamil

20) The Gandhara and Mathura School of Art developed during the reign of which ruler?

1) Harshavardhana
2) Skandgupta
3) Kanishka
4) Menander

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