Friday 22 June 2012

Hinduism Quiz - Part 4

Hinduism Quiz - Part 4

1) What was the name of Eklavya's father?

1) Drona
2) Hiranyadhanu
3) Dhritharashtra
4) Pandu

2) Where did Drona go when he was insulted by Drupada?

1) Hastinapura
2) Indraprastha
3) Kishkinda
4) Panchala

3) What does the word Bheeshma mean?

1) An invaluable man
2) The angry young man
3) A terrible man
4) None

4) Who recited the Mahabharata?

1) Ved Vyasa
2) Ganesh
3) Valmiki
4) Krishna

5) Even after the war was over, someone attempted to take Bheema's life. Who was this?

1) Ashvathama
2) Dhritarashtra
3) Kripacharya
4) Gandhari

6) Bhishma chose a particular time for his death. What was this time called?

1) Bhramakaal
2) Sainkaal
3) Suprabhaat
4) Uttarayan

7) Who was the last commander of the Kaurava army?

1) Shalya
2) Karna
3) Ashvathama
4) Kripacharya

8) Jayadratha singlehandedly held back the Pandavas (except Arjuna) on the day of the Chakravyuha, leading to Abhimanyu's death. This was the result of a boon bestowed upon him by a God. Which God was this?

1) Indra
2) Agni
3) Bhrama
4) Shiva

9) Which warrior lured Arjuna away while Drona formed his Chakravyuha to capture Yudhistira?

1) Susharma
2) Vikarna
3) Kritvarma
4) Shakuni

10) Which warrior is said to have broken 101 bows of Drona before the latter could fire even a single arrow?

1) Satyaki
2) Abhimanyu
3) Arjuna
4) Dhristadyumna

11) How many soldiers and warriors is Bhishma said to have killed each day of the war?

1) 500
2) 1,000
3) 10,000
4) 5,000

12) Duryodhana had a son who fought in the war. What was his name?

1) Rama
2) Laxman
3) Durmukh
4) Durvasa

13) Which warrior on the Pandava side died on the first day of the war?

1) Yuyutsu
2) Abhimanyu
3) Uttar
4) Ghatotkacha

14) Which warrior shot the first arrow, thus beginning the war?

1) Dushasana
2) Arjuna
3) Duryodhana
4) Bhishma

15) Whom did Duryodhana trick into joining his side before the war?

1) Susharma
2) Yuyutsu
3) Jayadratha
4) Shalya

16) Duryodhana and Arjuna both approached Krishna for help before the war began. Arjuna asked for Krishna himself to aid him. What did Duryodhana ask for?

1) Narayani Sena (army)
2) Bhramastra
3) Yadavi Sena (army)
4) His body to become that of stone

17) How many pairs of twins do we come across in the Ramayana and the Mahabharata put together?

1) Two
2) Three
3) Four
4) Five

18) Two places, which now lie outside the borders of India are mentioned, one each in the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. One is Sri Lanka, as the island kingdom of Lanka, ruled by Ravana, the main villain in the Ramayana. Which city outside what is now India, is the other?

1) Lahore
2) Kabul
3) Kandahar
4) Dhaka

19) Which of the great epics was written by Veda Vyasa, with the help of Ganesha, Shiva's son?

1) Mahabharata
2) Ramayana
3) Both
4) Neither

20) Who is the wife of Ravana?

1) Shrutakirti
2) Simhika
3) Mandavi
4) Mandodari

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