Friday 22 June 2012

Hinduism Quiz - Part 3

Hinduism Quiz - Part 3

1) After beholding which divine sight did Arjuna take up his arms against the Kurus?

1) Lord Maha Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi on Adi Sesha
2) Yam Lok or the world of the dead
3) Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati in Kailash
4) Lord Krishna's Vishwaroopa or divine form

2) How many warriors did each elephant carry in the war?

1) 10
2) 7
3) 8
4) 9

3) Who was bestowed with unique vision to narrate the happenings of the war to King Dirtharashtra?

1) Bhalikha
2) Vidura
3) Sanjaya
4) Kripacharya

4) Which Pandava vowed to kill the evil Dushasana and drink his blood when he molested Draupadi?

1) Sahadeva
2) Arjuna
3) Bheemasena
4) Nakula

5) What was Yudhistra's weakness?

1) Yudhistra had no weaknesses
2) Alcohol
3) Gambling
4) Women

6) Which apsara wanted marry Arjuna when he was in Indraloka?

1) Urvashi
2) Rambha
3) Menaka
4) Tilottama

7) Who was Beeshmaka?

1) Duryodhana's father-in-law
2) Jayadratha's father-in-law
3) Krishna's father-in-law
4) Arjuna's father-in-law

8) Which emperor did Bheema defeat in order to enable Yudhistra to perform the Rajasuya Yagna?

1) Kritavarma
2) Shishupala
3) Jarasandha
4) None of the above

9) Balarama's weapon was the _________ ?

1) Spear
2) Mace
3) Plough
4) Sword

10) What was the capital of Panchala?

1) Dwaraka
2) Matsya
3) Kamapilya
4) Magadha

11) Which Rakshasa did Bheema kill in Ekachakra?

1) Vanasura
2) Bakasura
3) Vrajasura
4) Banasura

12) Who were Gatotkacha's parents?

1) Bheema and Draupadi
2) Bheema and Hidimbaa
3) Bheema and Nritya
4) None of the above

13) The "House of Lac" was built by _____________ ?

1) Shakuni
2) Pandavas
3) Purochana
4) Duryodhana

14) Friendship in the Mahabharatha was defined by ___________ ?

1) Duryodhana and Karna
2) Drona and Drupada
3) Krishna and Arjuna
4) Draupadi and Subhadra

15) What "Guru-Dakshina" did Drona ask from Ekalavya?

1) His right index finger
2) Wealth
3) A quiver full of arrows
4) His right thumb

16) What was the real name of Mahabharat?

1) Vijaya
2) Jaya
3) Ajaya
4) Parajaya

17) What was the yagna performed by Yudhishthira after the battle of Kurukshetra?

1) Ashwamedha
2) Maharudra
3) Rajasuya
4) None

18) What was the name of Drona's father?

1) Kashyap
2) Bhardhwaja
3) Parashurama
4) None

19) To whom does Yudhisthira offer the first worship at the time of the Rajasuya Yagna?

1) Balarama
2) Dhritharashtra
3) Bheeshma
4) Krishna

20) Who presented the bow "Gandiva" to Arjuna?

1) Vayu
2) Agni
3) Varuna
4) Indra

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