Saturday, 15 September 2012

Soon, a pill that can let us live till 150!

Soon, a pill that can let us live till 150!

If all this while, you have been wondering if you could ever find ‘exilir of life’, then your wait is about to get over. In another five years, a wonder pill that can slow the ageing process is likely to become available, raising the prospect of people eventually living to 150 and beyond.
And, the drug will not help us live longer but also healthier claims Professor Peter Smith of New South Wales University in Australia.
According to the Daily Express, “The aim is not just to eke out extra existence but to facilitate a longer healthy life. We just don’t want to live longer, we want to live longer well,” said Smith.
“And these drugs will help with the regeneration of cells, regeneration of processes in the body, so we expect people will live well, much longer,” he said.
Professor David Sinclair, an Australian expert in ageing at Harvard University, said a network of genes is responsible for the pace of ageing.
“We’re seeing the beginning of technology that could one day allow us to reach 150.” added Professor David Sinclair, an Australian expert in ageing at Harvard University.

(Photo Courtesy:

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