June 28th, 2012
NE states of the country will be given Rs100 crore for supporting rice cultivation under the National Food Security Mission (NFSM).
- All the 8 north-eastern States, including Sikkim, are being covered under NFSM-rice.
- Till 2011, only Assam was covered under NFSM-Rice.
- The programme will also aid in attaining Self-Sufficiency in Rice Production.
- Under NFSM-Rice, States are provided aid for a large number of activities including seed distribution, soil management, pest control, machines and tools, training and field demonstrations. The interventions strategized under NFSM are also likely to enhance rice yield, which is low in the northern-eastern states.
- 476 Districts Covered under NFSM: The National Food Security Mission (NFSM) is implemented in 476 Districts of 17 States of the country.
The crop-wise identified districts are as follows:
The NFSM-Rice is implemented in 138 district of 14 States, i.e., Andhra Pradesh (11districts), Assam (13districts), Bihar (18 districts), Chhattisgarh (10 districts), Gujarat (2 districts), Jharkhand (7 districts), Karnataka (7 districts), Kerala ( 1 district), Madhya Pradesh (9 districts), Maharashtra ( 6 districts), Orissa (15 districts), Tamil Nadu (5 districts), Uttar Pradesh (26 districts) and West Bengal (8 districts).
The NFSM-Wheat is implemented in 141 districts of 9 States i.e. Bihar (25 districts), Gujarat (4 districts), Haryana (7 districts), Madhya Pradesh (30 districts), Maharasthra (8 districts), Punjab (10 districts), Rajasthan (15 districts), Uttar Pradesh (38 districts) and West Bengal (4 districts).
Under NFSM-Pulses, 467 districts of 16 State are included. All the districts in 4 states of Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Haryana, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Orissa, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and 10 districts of Assam and 15 districts of Jharkhand are included under NFSM-Pulses.
NFSM-Rice is being implemented in 138 identified districts of 14 States. NFSM-Wheat is under implementation in 141 identified districts of 9 States. After merger of pulses component of ISOPOM with NFSM from the year 2010-11, the NFSM-Pulses has been extended to all district of 14 States. In addition, NFSM-Pulses is also being implemented in 10 identified districts of Assam and 15 identified districts of Jharkhand from the year 2010-11.
The districts under NFSM have been identified based on certain criteria i.e. for NFSM-Rice, those districts which have more than 50,000 ha area under rice and productivity is less than the State’s average productivity, were identified; for NFSM-Wheat, the districts in which irrigation coverage under wheat was more than 50% and productivity less than State’s average, were identified. The districts for implementation of NFSM-Pulses were selected based on the existing large area under pulses, potential for area expansion through inter-cropping and utilization of rice fallows.
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