Inventions Quiz - Part 6
1) This statesman, politican, scholar, inventor, and one of our early presidents invented the swivel chair, the spherical sundial, the moldboard plow, and the cipher wheel.
1) George Washington
2) Alexander Hamilton
3) John Adams
4) Thomas Jefferson
2) Benjamin Franklin was a prolific inventor. He invented the lightning rod, the Franklin stove, studied electricity, discovered the Gulf Stream, started the first library, and on and on. Among his many other inventions, what musical instrument did he invent?
1) Banjo
2) Oboe
3) Clarinet
4) Harmonium
3) Who is often called the 'first African-American' inventor?
1) Bessie Blount
2) George Washington Carver
3) Benjamin Banneker
4) Elijah McCoy
4) What Frank Whittle invented?
1) Radar
2) Ethyl gasoline
3) Sonar
4) Jet propulsion
5) What Igor Sikorsky invented?
1) Hydroplane
2) Jet engine airplane
3) Helicopter
4) Glider
6) What J. B. Dunlop invented?
1) Pneumatic rubber tire
2) Automobile wheel rim
3) Rubber boot
4) Model airplanes
7) What George Pullman invented?
1) Sleeping (railway) car
2) Airship
3) Box car (railway)
4) Air brakes
8) What George Westinghouse invented?
1) Light bulb
2) Electric razor
3) Refrigerator
4) Railway air brakes
9) What Karl Benz invented?
1) Gasoline powered automobile
2) Streetcar
3) Glider
4) Steam turbine
10) What Elisha Otis invented?
1) Escalator
2) Jet engine
3) Turbine
4) Elevator
11) What Thomas Davenport invented?
1) Screw propellor
2) Electric streetcar
3) Chesterfield
4) Sleeping (railway) car
12) What Elmer A. Sperry invented?
1) Hydroplane
2) Hydraulic turbine
3) Magnetic compass
4) Gyrocompass
13) What James Watt invented?
1) Diving bell
2) Steam boat
3) Hot air balloon
4) Rotary steam engine
14) What Enrico Fermi invented?
1) X ray machine
2) Betatron
3) Cyclotron
4) Nuclear reactor
15) What Benjamin Franklin invented?
1) Bifocal spectacles
2) Radio
3) Barometer
4) Hygrometer
16) What Sir Isaac Newton invented?
1) Reflecting telescope
2) Chronometer
3) Microscope
4) Spectacles
17) What Galileo invented?
1) Barometer
2) Pendulum clock
3) Microscope
4) Thermometer
18) What Henry Bessemer invented?
1) Aluminum
2) Electroplating
3) Steel Converter
4) Steel rolling mill
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