Inventions Quiz - Part 5
1) When was the Raggedy Ann doll patented?
1) 1915
2) 1920
3) 1919
4) 1911
2) When was the game Frisbee invented?
1) 1920s
2) 1900s
3) 1870s
4) 1890s
3) For whom high heeled shoes were invented?
1) Cleopatra
2) Queen Elizabeth I
3) King Louis the XIV
4) King Charles II
4) When was the first Lionel trains manufactured?
1) 1920
2) 1890
3) 1901
4) 1944
5) For what does the world owe Almon Strowger a debt of gratitude?
1) Parking Meters
2) Vending Machines
3) Automatic Telephone Exchanges
4) Traffic Lights
6) For what is Charles Babbage (1792-1871) remembered?
1) Computers
2) Telescopes
3) Radio-Telegraphy
4) Steam Boating
7) Who developed the idea of Crop Rotation?
1) Potato Peterson
2) Turnip Townsend
3) Cabbage Carlson
4) Swede Svenson
8) Who invented the Seed Drill?
1) Jethro Tull
2) Arlo Guthrie
3) Woodie Guthrie
4) Thomas Hines
9) Who invented the Spinning Jenny?
1) Thornton Hargreaves
2) Peter Hargreaves
3) James Hargreaves
4) Simon Hargreaves
10) What African-American inventor received 5 patents in the field of shoemaking?
1) Elijah McCoy
2) Jan Ernst Matzeliger
3) Ernest Just
4) Lewis Latimer
11) This part-time race car driver invented the bucket seat in 1969. Who was he??
1) Steve McQueen
2) Harrison Frazier
3) Paul Newman
4) John Wayne
12) The Manhattan Project was started by President Roosevelt in 1942 to ensure that the U.S. beat the Germans in developing a nuclear bomb. Whom did Roosevelt appoint as scientific head the Manhattan Project?
1) Robert Oppenheimer
2) James B. Conant
3) Leslie R. Groves
4) Vannevar Bush
13) Who is the English physicist responsible for the 'Big Bang Theory'?
1) Albert Einstein
2) Michael Skube
3) George Gamow
4) Roger Penrose
14) This African-American woman physical therapist worked with soldiers disabled in World War II. She invented a device that helped the disabled to eat by delivering food through a tube to a mouthpiece.
1) Bessie Blount
2) Marjorie Joyner
3) Mae Jamison
4) Beulah Henry
15) William Frederick is credited with the invention of the modern frisbee in the mid 1950's. In 1957 the Wham-O Company bought his idea and the rest is history. They named the toy after William Frisbie who was a ________?
1) Pie maker
2) Owner of a pizza parlor
3) Student at Yale
4) Ceramic plate designer
16) What is the name of the CalTech seismologist who invented the scale used to measure the magnitude of earthquakes?
1) Charles Richter
2) Hiram Walker
3) Giuseppe Mercalli
4) Joshua Rumble
17) Who is the only U.S. President to invent and patent something?
1) Abraham Lincoln
2) Theodore Roosevelt
3) Thomas Jefferson
4) Rutherford B. Hayes
18) This English inventor is known as the 'Father of Computing.'
1) Philo Farnsworth
2) J. Presper Eckert
3) John Mauchly
4) Charles Babbage
19) What invention is credited to the Russian born American inventor Vladimir Kosma Zworykin?
1) Telegraph
2) Radio
3) Television
4) Dishwasher
20) Who was the first American female to patent her invention, a method of weaving straw with silk?
1) Marjorie Joyner
2) Margaret Knight
3) Amanda Jones
4) Mary Kies
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