Wednesday 19 September 2012

Tips to avoid eye infection this monsoon season

Tips to avoid eye infection this monsoon season

How many times have you heard your granny tell you to shut your eyes while you run out to soak up the offerings of a cloud burst? If you have been dismissing her advice till now, then it’s time to rethink. Turns out, granny was right all along. Health and beauty experts say that the eyes are one of the most sensitive parts of the body and perhaps most susceptible to infections if not taken care of well, especially during a downpour.
Eye surgeon Dr Himanshu Mehta says that “opening one’s eyes deliberately to raindrops facilitates absorbing atmospheric pollutants, which could be dangerous for the eyes. Also, avoid touching your eyes with dirty or unwashed hands. Protect your eyes from wind, especially if you are using contact lenses. And try to resist the temptation to splash through water-logged streets in the rains. Water-borne bacteria generate eye infections like conjunctivitis.”
Dr Jamuna Pai, echoes the thought and says that one should even avoid wearing excessive make-up during the monsoons, especially if your skin is showing any signs of discomfort. “Some of the most common eye related problems during this season are conjunctivitis, dry eyes and styes. Consult your doctor for timely treatment if you contract any of these,” says Pai, adding, “Hygiene is very important to combat most diseases. Make it a habit to wash your hands regularly and avoid wearing contact lenses if you suffer from any infection.”
Fitness enthusiasts could give a thought to skip their swim sessions for the season. As Mehta points out, “If you already have conjunctivitis, a dip in the pool has to be avoided at any cost. But those who are prone to quick eye infections should also ditch the pool. Stye, an infection of the glands of the eyelids is also usually caused by frequent rubbing of eyes with unwashed or dirty hands.”


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