Sunday 23 September 2012

Sleep off your calories

Sleep off your calories

Washington: Want to get rid of those extra kilos, but have no time to hit the gym? Here’s an easy solution to all your weight woes.
CBS News reported that Cynthia Sass, a dietician has offered some surprising ways to burn more calories throughout your day, including at the office, at home, outside, with your mate, and even while you’re asleep.
Sitting at your desk by fidgeting, like tapping toes, moving around, or fussing with hands can burn off up to 800 extra calories per day, the equivalent of an hour-long spin class, said the dietician, on ‘The Early Show on Saturday Morning.’
A full night’s sleep can burn around 200 calories. Spending an hour typing on computer might cut 100 calories equivalent to jumping rope for 10 minutes. Cooking your dinner yourself can help digest half of what you eat for dinner- i.e. about 150 calories per hour, said Sass.
After dinner, loading the dishwasher for 30 minutes burns 105 calories, and washing them by hand eats up 160 calories, Sass added.
She suggested that doing laundry might burn 72 calories while ironing for 30 minutes drops about 70 calories and tones the muscles of the upper body.
An hour-long massage can burn more calories than you might think, 230 calories, the same as an hour of lightweight training, the dietician added.

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