Saturday 22 September 2012

Now, lose weight in 7 days!

Now, lose weight in 7 days!

And, you thought losing weight was a tedious process? For all those of you who can’t get yourself to exercise and are losing the battle to flab, all thanks to the fact that you think weight loss takes a few hundred days, there’s news!

Guys and gals, weight loss isn’t rocket science and if you have enough perseverance in you then, you too can lose that excess fat and yeah, it won’t take you a few months to do so but, you can lose some (if not significant) weight in a matter of days, 7 days to be precise. So, wanna know the process then, read on…

Reduce daily calorie count
First things first, you have to reduce your daily caloric intake by 500 calories per day. Cut on the sodas, high calorie snacks. If you can’t do that too then, simply reduce the size of portion size of your daily food.

Eat more fruits and veggies
Start including more fruits and vegetables in your diet, preferably 5 to 7 servings per day. This will lead to an instant weight loss coz the fiber found in these fruits and veggies will make you feel full.

Cut on the carbohydrates
Cut down on your consumption of refined carbohydrates, basically the white bread and packaged foodstuff.

Increase your water intake
The best way to lose weight is increase your water intake. Drink at least 10-12 glasses of water or fluids each day. Besides water, have fresh juices and green tea.

Heighten your metabolism rate
One of the major causes of weight gain is a slow metabolism rate. So, in order to cut out those extra kilos, work on improving your metabolism rate. Eat something every 2-3 hours; it can be either baked crackers, sugar free cookies or simply a fruit.
Opt for kickboxing
Choose high intensity physical activities such as kickboxing or dance.

Walk when you talk
I am so sure that you waste a lot of your time talking on the phone, get inspired by Abhishek Bachchan and simply walk when you talk! At least that’s better than being a couch potato!!

Image Courtesy:

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