Wednesday 19 September 2012

Now, bid good-bye to grey hair

Now, bid good-bye to grey hair

Greying of hair could soon become a thing of the past. In a series of experiments, scientists have found clue on why our hair turns grey.
Researchers at NYU Langone Medical Center have identified a protein called 'wnt' found to be vital to the production of colour in hair. Wnt signaling, which is known to control many biological processes between hair follicles and melanocyte stem cells, can dictate hair pigmentation.
"We have known for decades that hair follicle stem cells and pigment-producing melanocycte cells collaborate to produce coloured hair, but the underlying reasons were unknown," said Mayumi Ito, assistant professor in the Ronald O Pereleman Department of Dermatology at NYU Langone, who led the study.
"We discovered Wnt signaling is essential for coordinated actions of these two stem cell lineages and critical for hair pigmentation," added Ito.
The lack of Wnt activation in melanocyte stem cells leads to depigmented or grey hair.
The breakthrough could save many men and women from splurging on expensive salon treatments, and would surely be pivotal in retaining their youthful looks.
The study has been published in the issue of the journal Cell.


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