Wednesday 19 September 2012

Fitness on the 'Go'

Fitness on the 'Go'

Holidaying usually means ‘me’ time or family time. When you are on a holiday, the last thing on your mind is exercising and staying fit. But with all the junk food you are going to gorge on, there could be a considerable amount of weight you might put on. So instead of fretting over the few kilos you have put on during your vacation post your holiday, here is what you can do. Turn to a motto in life. Make time for exercise whether you are on holiday or travelling a lot.
Fitness expert Althea Shah says, “Try and wake up an hour early and walk or jog. Try it for just 15 minutes a day. You can do less than what you would do in a regular routine. If you usually run four days a week, try running once, swimming once, and lifting weights twice. To save time, try combining exercising and family commitments. For instance, take the kids running up the hill, jogging or swimming. Take the family on a hike. You can exercise as well as spend quality time with the family.” Sheru Aangrish, international health and fitness expert, says, “While on a holiday, the best way to be fit is to eat good food. Normally if people can’t find a gym in a holiday resort, they should do extra activities like swimming or even go biking or even playing any sport, which requires stamina. This will help burn lots of calories and result in maintaining your fitness levels.”
Here are a few otheralternatives as well:
Walking is the simplest, cheapest and easiest form of cardiovascular exercise. Start slowly and then gradually work up to walking longer distance and faster.
Jogging / running
This is a step up from walking. It is harder and puts more impact and stress on the body.
Riding a bike is an excellent, no-impact form of cardio. Enjoy the outdoors and fresh air but don’t forget your helmet.
Swimming involves all the major muscles of the body. It is no-impact and very useful for injury recovery. Be sure to understand how to swim before you venture in the deep seas. Stick to a shallow pool if you are not an expert. Have a good swimmer beside you before taking the plunge.
If you know how to dance, put on a music CD and dance for about 20-30 minutes. This is a great cardiovascular workout.
Jump rope
Invest in a good quality skipping rope. Jump about 50 counts, slowly build up to 100 then about 150.

(Photo Courtesy:

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