Sunday 23 September 2012

Bid adieu to the heat stroke

Bid adieu to the heat stroke

With temperatures soaring high and sun making all the effort to squeeze out every ounce of sweat and energy from the body, the scorching heat is taking a toll on us. And, though the summers have just set in, there is no immediate respite. And, amid all this, our work and chores take us outside our air conditioned homes, making us fall prey to the inescapable blazing sun causing heat stroke.

And, if you wish to protect yourself from the wrath of the sun, then here are a few tips to avoid heat stroke.

Drink plenty of fluids: In this hot weather, where sun burns you in its heat, keeping yourself hydrated with at least 8-10 glasses of water is necessary. As, the body loses fluids when it perspires. So, consume more and more of liquid either in the form of water or juices to avoid dehydration. But at the same time, stay away from caffeine and alcohol as they deplete the body of necessary water and minerals.

Replenish lost minerals: To avoid heat stroke, replace lost minerals with food and drinks like bananas and energy drinks. Minerals such as sodium, chloride and potassium are all crucial to controlling body temperature and are often lost during perspiration.

Dress appropriately: Light and cool clothing can help avoid heat stroke. Since cotton and linen allow our bodies to breathe and helps keeps the moisture in. So, dress for the heat light cotton shirts, shorts, flip flops and sneakers. It will reduce the chance of overheating your body and retain energy.

Stay indoors: In this scorching heat, try to stay indoors as much as possible. And, if shopping and recreation shouts at you, then try to move to shopping malls and cinema halls in this heat for some fun.

(Photo Courtesy:

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