Sunday 16 September 2012

4 reasons why sex is good for you

4 reasons why sex is good for you

The rustling of the bed sheets, the sound of deep moaning and some seduction, simply takes you to another world of ecstasy and excitement. The act behind the closed doors doesn’t just keep you romantically involved, but is also great for your health.
According to Daily Mail, sex or should we say sexercise not just burns your calories- and keeps you in shape, but the act has many other benefits.
It protects against heart disease
The art of engaging into some seduction and final ecstasy will leave your heart pounding more, but sex at least three times a week can reduce the risk of heart attack by almost half.  Even, women who end up having orgasm at least twice a week are less likely to have heart diseases, as the endorphins released during sex neutralize the stress hormones.
It makes you more fertile
The more the merrier, this saying goes well with sex. The more often you indulge in the act of lovemaking, the better quality your sperm will be. And, this will help you conceive easily.
It staves off prostate cancer
A lot of couple out there give sex a rest in their 50s. But, enjoying a regular sex life even in the 50s can lower the risk of developing prostate cancer.
It’s a natural sedative
Nothing can beat a good night’s sleep post a good sex session. A good orgasm acts as a sedative entwining you into the shackles of slumber. Even, the sexercise can help treat depression and clear the mind, as the hormones excreted during sex are good for mental health. 

(Photo Courtesy:

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