Saturday 23 June 2012

Science Quiz - Part 7

Science Quiz - Part 7

1) The Fujita scale is used to measure which natural phenomenon?

1) Tornado wind-intensity
2) Ultra-violet indices
3) Atmospheric ozone levels
4) Tsunami volumes and heights

2) The Mercalli scale is a lesser known measure of what important natural phenomenon?

1) Typhoon wind strength
2) Lightning strike frequency
3) Humidity
4) Earthquakes

3) Which of the following measurements is not a unit of distance?

1) Ammeter
2) Cubit
3) Parsec
4) Angstrom

4) Driving right along, what is the instrument used to measure distance in a car called?

1) Speedometer
2) Odometer
3) Differential pinion
4) Thermometer

5) What was the lowest internal body temperature ever recorded in a human being who went on to survive?

1) 69 F
2) 47 F
3) 30 F
4) 53 F

6) Pure water freezes at what temperature?

1) 47 F
2) 32 F
3) 0 F
4) 19 F

7) What was the coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth (at Vostok, Antarctica)?

1) -197 F
2) -103 F
3) -129 F
4) -53 F

8) At what temperature does water boil, at sea level?

1) 212 F
2) 170 F
3) 180 F
4) 100 F

9) Which of the following is not a constituent of the atmosphere?

1) Oxygen
2) Carbon Dioxide
3) Aluminum
4) Nitrogen

10) Nitrogen constitutes what percentage of the atmosphere?

1) 79%
2) 42%
3) 56%
4) 18%

11) What is the name given to the respiratory holes on the surface of a leaf?

1) Chlorophyll
2) Stomata
3) Tendrils
4) Pits

12) Which gas in the atmosphere saves us from the UV rays of the sun?

1) Nitrogen
2) Ozone
3) Oxygen
4) Carbon Monoxide

13) Who invented the miner's safety-lamp?

1) Sir Humphrey Davy
2) Sir Frank Whittle
3) Alexander Graham Bell
4) Thomas Alva Edison

14) Which planet is known as the Red Planet?

1) Mercury
2) Mars
3) Earth
4) Jupiter

15) Who discovered the circulation of blood?

1) William Harvey
2) Louis Pasteur
3) Hargobind Khorana
4) Edward Jenner

16) The three methods of science are observation, experimentation and...?

1) Measurement
2) Hypothesis
3) Deduction
4) Inference

17) Who discovered Penicillin?

1) Robert Koch
2) Sir Alexander Fleming
3) Watson and Crick
4) Louis Pasteur

18) The Earth is surrounded by an insulating blanket of gases which protects it from the light and heat of the Sun. This insulating layer is called the...?

1) Lithosphere
2) Biosphere
3) Hydrosphere
4) Atmosphere

19) Where is the Sea of Tranquility?

1) Near the Bermuda Triangle
2) On the Moon
3) In the Pacific Ocean
4) In the Atlantic Ocean

20) Which rare element would you associate with Marie and Pierre Curie?

1) Uranium
2) Gold
3) Radium
4) Platinum

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