Saturday 23 June 2012

Science Quiz - Part 4

Science Quiz - Part 4

1) How distant is the closest star?

1) 54 million miles away
2) 72 million miles away
3) 93 million miles away
4) 127 million miles away

2) What is NOT a greenhouse gas?

1) Nitrogen
2) Methane
3) Carbon dioxide
4) Ozone

3) What measurement unit microbiologists use when they want to measure something really small (like a bacterial cell!)?

1) Meter
2) Millimeter
3) Micrometre
4) Centimeter

4) What stored energy is commonly called...?

1) Potential energy
2) Kinetic energy
3) Chemical energy
4) Radiant energy

5) What products are, as a general rule, the result of an acid and a base reacting together?

1) Hydrogen gas and carbon dioxide
2) Methane gas and nitrogen
3) Water and a salt
4) Water and ethanol

6) What the main particles of an atom are?

1) Photon, electron, and neutron
2) Neutron, electron, and proton
3) Photon and electron
4) Proton and electron

7) What gas plants contribute to the earth's atmosphere?

1) Nitrogen
2) Oxygen
3) Carbon dioxide
4) Hydrogen

8) What organelle is known as the 'brain' of the cell?

1) Cell membrane
2) Chloroplast
3) Nucleus
4) Mitochondria

9) What two elements common table salt is made out of?

1) Hydrogen and Methane
2) Sodium and Hydrogen
3) Sodium and Chlorine
4) Hydrogen and Chlorine

10) A _______ beam is one whose rays remain the same distance apart.

1) Parallel
2) Divergent
3) Convergent
4) Intersecting

11) Non-luminous bodies become visible when they _______ light into our eyes.

1) Radiate
2) Refract
3) Reflect
4) Diffract

12) Materials through which light cannot pass are said to be...?

1) Transparent
2) Opaque
3) Translucent
4) Obstructor

13) Bodies that radiate light are called...?

1) Non-luminous
2) Opaque
3) Transparent
4) Luminous

14) The distance between one of the magnetic poles and the centre of the bar magnet is called the...?

1) Magnetic equator
2) Effective length
3) Equator length
4) Length of magnet

15) The distance between the magnetic north pole and magnetic south pole of a bar magnet is called the...?

1) Pole Length
2) Effective length
3) Equatorial axis
4) Length of magnet

16) Most of the magnetic power appears to be concentrated at certain points of a magnet. These points are called...?

1) Poles
2) Inductors
3) Keepers
4) Pointers

17) _______ materials are those that can be influenced by a magnet.

1) Magnetic
2) Thermal
3) Optical
4) None

18) The least reactive elements of the periodic table are...?

1) Alkaline Earth Metals
2) Noble Gases
3) Alkali Metals
4) Transition Metals

19) The law that "the physical and chemical properties of elements are periodic functions of their atomic weights" was given by...?

1) Mendeleev
2) Bohr
3) Lothar Meyer
4) Moseley

20) The Law of Octaves was given by...?

1) Mendeleev
2) Dobereiner
3) John Newlands
4) Bohr

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