Saturday 23 June 2012

Science Quiz - Part 13

Science Quiz - Part 13

1) Who discovered X-rays?

1) Land
2) Roentgen
3) Eastman
4) Kodak

2) Which is NOT the name of an atomic model?

1) Thomson
2) Newton
3) Bohr
4) Electron Cloud

3) What type of wave is a water waves?

1) Amplitude waves
2) Transverse waves
3) Longitudinal waves
4) Frequent waves

4) What controls the rate of chemical reactions in your body?

1) DNA
2) Enzymes
3) Carbohydrates
4) Messenger RNA

5) What is defined as the change in velocity over time?

1) Acceleration
2) Speed
3) Work
4) Force

6) What occurs when the earth blocks the sun's light from the moon?

1) Lunar Eclipse
2) Solar Eclipse
3) Black Hole
4) Sun Spot

7) What is the function of the gallbladder?

1) To filter absorb the body's extra calcium
2) To collect bile
3) To filter toxins out of the bloodstream
4) To produce bile

8) The medical condition of edema is also known as:

1) Hives
2) Liver spots
3) Dropsy
4) Narcolepsy

9) L-Dopa alleviates the symptoms of what disease?

1) Alzheimer's
2) Multiple Sclerosis
3) Diabetes
4) Parkinson's

10) Which of the following measures the speed and the direction that an object travels?

1) Velocity
2) Speed
3) Energy
4) Force

11) What is seaborgium?

1) Nuclear submarine
2) Variety of plankton
3) New transuranium element
4) Asteroid

12) Which part of the ear helps maintain balance?

1) Outer ear
2) Semi-circular canal
3) Eardrum
4) Ear canal

13) Which of these is another term for the humerus?

1) Thumb
2) Belly Button
3) Funny bone
4) Wisdom tooth

14) What metal is a liquid at room temperature?

1) Sodium
2) Mercury
3) Zinc
4) Lead

15) What does the word "ayurveda" literally mean?

1) Healthcare
2) Science of studying Indian medicines
3) Science of life
4) Curing diseases using Indian methods

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