Saturday 23 June 2012

Science Quiz - Part 10

Science Quiz - Part 10

1) Which British unit of measurement has been given special dispensation by the EU and will continue to be used?

1) The mile
2) The pint
3) The yard
4) The acre

2) How fast does the sun travel around the center of the galaxy?

1) 150 miles/second
2) 150 miles/minute
3) 150 miles/hour
4) 150 miles/day

3) What is a brown dwarf?

1) Is a small star that is somewhat cooler than a red dwarf
2) Is a very large planet
3) Is similar to each of the above
4) Is a type of natural Satellite.

4) Which phenomenon of global warming in the Pacific Ocean will also likely increase in frequency and severity as long-term global warming continues?

1) El Nino
2) Trade winds
3) La Nina
4) None of these

5) A global warming trend that disrupts the normal current flows in the North Atlantic will likely result in cooler conditions for which continent?

1) North America
2) South America
3) Europe
4) Africa

6) Melting ice in the Arctic will have a steady volume of cold freshwater coming into the North Atlantic will disrupt the flow of which well-known ocean current?

1) Gulf Stream
2) Humboldt (Peru) Current
3) Alaska Current
4) West Australian Current

7) Global warming will have an adverse effect on the polar ice caps. What is the most important reason why melting polar ice caps is such a major concern in the long term?

1) Increased risk of icebergs
2) Coastal and island flooding
3) Reduced hunting ranges for polar bears
4) Increased opportunity for oil exploration in the Arctic

8) The increase in heat energy being retained by the planet will entail more frequent and stronger atmospheric disturbances. We should therefore see this type of storm become more common and/or more violent:

1) Hurricanes
2) Willy-willies
3) Typhoons
4) All of these

9) Of the following peoples, who are *currently* being affected the most by increasing temperatures?

1) Inuit Peoples (Eskimos)
2) Latin Americans
3) Australian Aborigines
4) Asian Pacific Islanders

10) Where are some of the clearest, most early signs of a global warming phenomenon being observed?

1) Indonesia
2) The Arctic
3) Equatorial Africa
4) Central America

11) Which of these can possibly be causing the increase in temperatures being observed around the world?

1) Increased solar activity
2) Man-made pollution
3) Both of these
4) Neither of these

12) The mathematical term 'e' stands for what number, to two decimal places?

1) 1.27
2) 2.17
3) 2.71
4) 1.72

13) Which planet once had a 'Great Dark Spot' before it disappeared in 1995?

1) Neptune
2) Saturn
3) Jupiter
4) Mars

14) The value of Pi was calculated as 3.1416 by...

1) Aryabhatta
2) Budhayana
3) Bhaskara
4) Brahmagupta

15) In Mathematics, India's most precious gift to the world is...

1) Zero
2) Value Of Pi
3) Decimal System
4) Pythagorus Theorem

16) 'Charaka Samhita' is considered as the first treatise on...

1) Health And Medicine
2) Sexology
3) Astronomy
4) Astrology

17) The National Science Day is celebrated on...

1) January 14
2) February 28
3) March 31
4) August 17

18) The first telegraph line in India was laid between...

1) Calcutta and Delhi
2) Calcutta and Agra
3) Calcutta and Bombay
4) Delhi and Bombay

19) Which of the following is considered as the earliest school of medicine known to humans?

1) Siddha
2) Ayurveda
3) Homeopathy
4) Unani

20) The National Geophysical Research Institute is located at...

1) New Delhi
2) Kolkata
3) Mumbai
4) Hyderabad

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