Saturday 23 June 2012

Science Quiz - Part 1

Science Quiz - Part 1

1) Some lasers are referred to as being “cw.” What does “cw” mean?

1) Circular wave
2) Constant white
3) Continuous wave
4) Clear white

2) What is the process responsible for producing photons in a diode laser?

1) Fermi level shift
2) Majority carrier injection
3) Carrier freeze out
4) Electron-hole recombination

3) What are three types of lasers?

1) Gas, metal vapor, rock
2) Pointer, diode, CD
3) Diode, inverted, pointer
4) Gas, solid state, diode

4) What was the active medium used in the first working laser ever constructed?

1) A diamond block
2) Helium-neon gas
3) A ruby rod
4) Carbon dioxide gas

5) After the first photons of light are produced, which process is responsible for amplification of the light?

1) Blackbody radiation
2) Stimulated emission
3) Planck’s radiation
4) Einstein oscillation

6) Once the active medium is excited, the first photons of light are produced by which physical process?

1) Blackbody radiation
2) Spontaneous emission
3) Synchrotron radiation
4) Planck’s oscillation

7) The first step to getting output from a laser is to excite an active medium. What is this process called?

1) Pumping
2) Exciting
3) Priming
4) Raising

8) Breaking of a larger hydrocarbon molecule into a smaller one by heating in the presence of a catalyst is called ___.

1) Cracking
2) Orthofugation
3) Centrifugation
4) Thermogenation

9) A primary fuel is that which is used in the same form as it occurs in nature. Which of the following is not a primary fuel?

1) Kerosene
2) Wood
3) Coal
4) Natural Gas

10) Where was the first oil well struck in the world?

1) Kuwait
2) USA
3) Saudi Arabia
4) Australia

11) What is the process used to separate the different components of oil?

1) Deadly Distillation
2) Simple Distillation
3) Fractional Distillation
4) Destructive Distillation

12) What is the main constituent of coal gas?

1) Oxygen
2) Water
3) Nitrogen
4) Methane

13) Which variety of coal contains the highest percentage of carbon?

1) Anthracite
2) Peat
3) Bituminous
4) Lignite

14) Coal is formed due to the process of...?

1) Evaporation
2) Centrifugation
3) Conjugation
4) Carbonization

15) Which of these has the highest calorific value?

1) Rubber
2) Wood
3) Coal
4) Hydrogen

16) What is the main component of biogas and natural gas?

1) Ethane
2) Methane
3) Propane
4) Butane

17) Heating fuels in the absence of air is called 'Destructive Distillation', as it 'destroys' it to form simpler substances. What do we get when we do the same to wood?

1) Tar
2) Acetic Acid
3) Charcoal
4) All of these

18) If you wanted to lighten your hair at home, what is the active ingredient in the dye preparation that will lighten your hair?

1) Hydrogen peroxide
2) Acetic acid
3) Sodium hydroxide
4) Phenol

19) "Antifreeze" is used in car radiators to stop the liquid that cools the engine from, well, freezing when it gets cold outside. Water is one component of antifreeze; what is the other main component?

1) Ethylene glycol
2) Acetone
3) Sodium chloride
4) Benzene

20) Aspirin can be found in many household medicine cabinets. But what is it chemically?

1) Paracetamol
2) Acetylsalicylic acid
3) Acetaminophen
4) Ibuprofen

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