Friday 22 June 2012

Religion Quiz - Part 5

Religion Quiz - Part 5

1) What is the vehicle of Lord Kamadeva?

1) Parrot
2) Owl
3) Elephant
4) Swan

2) Who is the king of wealth?

1) Agni
2) Vayu
3) Indra
4) Kubera

3) Which river did Lopamudra become?

1) Godavari
2) Kaveri
3) Narmada
4) Tapti

4) How was Sita related to Janaka?

1) He married her cousin
2) She was his wife
3) She was his foster-daughter
4) He was her cousin

5) What was the name of the woman who tried to become Rama's wife, only to have her ears, nose, and breasts chopped off by Lakshmana?

1) Tara
2) Ahalya
3) Mandodari
4) Kamavalli (Surpanakha)

6) Whose bow did King Janaka make each of Sita's suitors try to string?

1) Vishnu's
2) Janaka's
3) Lakshmana's
4) Shiva's

7) Who took Rama and Lakshmana on a quest at the beginning of 'The Ramayana'?

1) Vali
2) Sumanthra
3) Viswamithra
4) Jatayu

8) What was the name of the King's wife who persuaded him to make Bharatha king?

1) Kooni
2) Kaikeyi
3) Kausalya
4) Sumithra

9) Who did the King originally want to choose to replace him as king?

1) Kooni
2) Lakshmana
3) Rama
4) Bharatha

10) What is the name of Rama's brother who goes with him into exile?

1) Bharatha
2) Dasartha
3) Ravana
4) Lakshmana

11) Sita is the avatar of which spouse of Vishnu?

1) Durga
2) Lakshmi
3) Kali
4) Krishna

12) Rama is the avatar of what Hindu God?

1) Kooni
2) Brahma
3) Vishnu
4) Shiva

13) Around whose life is 'The Ramayana' centered?

1) Ravana
2) Rama
3) Dasaratha
4) Viswamithra

14) Virata was one of the Maharathis in the Pandava army: who was the other?

1) Drishtadyumna
2) Drupada
3) Shikhandi
4) Drishtaketu the King of Chedi

15) Who was the First Commander in Chief of the Kaurava Army?

1) Ashvathama
2) Drona
3) Bheeshma
4) Karna

16) After beholding which divine sight did Arjuna take up his arms against the Kurus?

1) Lord Maha Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi on Adi Sesha
2) Yam Lok or the world of the dead
3) Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati in Kailash
4) Lord Krishna's Vishwaroopa or divine form

17) How many warriors did each elephant carry in the war?

1) 10
2) 7
3) 8
4) 9

18) Who was bestowed with unique vision to narrate the happenings of the war to King Dirtharashtra?

1) Bhalikha
2) Vidura
3) Sanjaya
4) Kripacharya

19) Which Pandava vowed to kill the evil Dushasana and drink his blood when he molested Draupadi?

1) Sahadeva
2) Arjuna
3) Bheemasena
4) Nakula

20) What was Yudhistra's weakness?

1) Yudhistra had no weaknesses
2) Alcohol
3) Gambling
4) Women

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