Friday 22 June 2012

Ramayana Quiz - Part 1

Ramayana Quiz - Part 1

1) In the epic Ramayana, which bird tried to prevent Ravana from carrying Sita away?

1) Vibhishan
2) Jatayu
3) Garuda
4) Bhulinga

2) Ramayana, the great Indian epic, which every Indian child grows up learning about, is also the world's longest poem, with over 3 million verses. Which city is described as the birthplace of the main protagonist, Lord Rama?

1) Kashi
2) Dwaraka
3) Ayodhya
4) Varanasi

3) Lord Dattatreya is confluence of Bramha, Vishnu and who else?

1) Indra
2) Maheshwara
3) Ganesha
4) Sai Baba

4) Vishnu is a dwarf in which of his avatars?

1) Vashishta
2) Varaha
3) Vamana
4) Kurma

5) According to Ramayana who was Lakshmana's mother?

1) Sumitra
2) Kaikeyi
3) Kausalya
4) Panchali

6) What is the vehicle of Lord Kamadeva?

1) Parrot
2) Owl
3) Elephant
4) Swan

7) Who is the king of wealth?

1) Agni
2) Vayu
3) Indra
4) Kubera

8) Which river did Lopamudra become?

1) Godavari
2) Kaveri
3) Narmada
4) Tapti

9) How was Sita related to Janaka?

1) He married her cousin
2) She was his wife
3) She was his foster-daughter
4) He was her cousin

10) What was the name of the woman who tried to become Rama's wife, only to have her ears, nose, and breasts chopped off by Lakshmana?

1) Tara
2) Ahalya
3) Mandodari
4) Kamavalli (Surpanakha)

11) Whose bow did King Janaka make each of Sita's suitors try to string?

1) Vishnu's
2) Janaka's
3) Lakshmana's
4) Shiva's

12) Who took Rama and Lakshmana on a quest at the beginning of 'The Ramayana'?

1) Vali
2) Sumanthra
3) Viswamithra
4) Jatayu

13) What was the name of the King's wife who persuaded him to make Bharatha king?

1) Kooni
2) Kaikeyi
3) Kausalya
4) Sumithra

14) Who did the King originally want to choose to replace him as king?

1) Kooni
2) Lakshmana
3) Rama
4) Bharatha

15) What is the name of Rama's brother who goes with him into exile?

1) Bharatha
2) Dasartha
3) Ravana
4) Lakshmana

16) Sita is the avatar of which spouse of Vishnu?

1) Durga
2) Lakshmi
3) Kali
4) Krishna

17) Rama is the avatar of what Hindu God?

1) Kooni
2) Brahma
3) Vishnu
4) Shiva

18) Around whose life is 'The Ramayana' centered?

1) Ravana
2) Rama
3) Dasaratha
4) Viswamithra

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