Friday 22 June 2012

Personalities Quiz - Part 7

Personalities Quiz - Part 7

1) When is the Walt's birthday?

1) September 25th 1900
2) December 5th 1901
3) July 6th 1899
4) August 20 1902

2) Who was director of Leonardo DiCaprio's Film 'The Beach'?

1) Steven Spielberg
2) Danny Boyle
3) Ridley Scott
4) Baz Luhrmann

3) What was Leonardo DiCaprio character's name in 'What's Eating Gilbert Grape'?

1) Doug Carver
2) Gilbert Grape
3) Arnie Grape
4) Todd Carver

4) Leonardo DiCaprio also starred in 'Titanic', and how many academy awards did this movie receive?

1) 14
2) 12
3) 11
4) 10

5) What year was Leonardo DiCaprio's movie 'This Boy's Life' released?

1) 1993
2) 1995
3) 1992
4) 1994

6) In which movie did Leonardo DiCaprio play the character Jim Carroll?

1) Total Eclipse
2) The Basketball Diaries
3) Marvin's Room
4) Celebrity

7) Leonardo DiCaprio has a stepbrother, what is his name?

1) Chris Marks
2) Nathan Hayes
3) Aaron Green
4) Adam Farrar

8) What are Leonardo DiCaprio parents' names?

1) Elizabeth and John
2) Michelle and Robert
3) Tilda and Marshall
4) Irmelin and George

9) When was Leonardo DiCaprio born?

1) November 11th, 1974
2) May 26th, 1974
3) October 12th, 1973
4) September 2nd, 1973

10) Which member of Hitler's government also committed suicide the day after Hitler, after poisoning his his children and shooting his wife?

1) Bormann
2) Ribbentrop
3) Himmler
4) Goebbels

11) On what date did Hitler commit suicide?

1) April 20, 1945
2) April 25, 1945
3) April 21, 1945
4) April 30, 1945

12) Who was Pope during Hitler's dictatorship (and is often accused of having aided or supported Hitler in the Final Solution of the Jewish Problem -- the Holocaust)?

1) Pope Pius X
2) Pope John X
3) Pope John XII
4) Pope Pius XII

13) During what year was Hitler imprisoned?

1) 1924
2) 1925
3) 1923
4) 1927

14) Hitler had a great liking for animals (and was even a vegetarian). When he married Eva Braun and they committed suicide, they took his German Shepherd with them to death. What was the dog's name?

1) Strength
2) Blondie
3) Sweetheart
4) Divinity

15) Whose political maneuverings through strong policies of appeasement disgusted Hitler and further lowered his respect for the 'democratic' powers?

1) Mohandas K. Gandhi
2) Benito Mussolini
3) Neville Chamberlain
4) Franklin D. Roosevelt

16) What was the name of the provisional government backed by the Allies after World War I, through which Hitler eventually 'legally' gained his Dictatorship?

2) The Weimar Republic
3) The Second Reich

17) What event on August 2, 1934 finally brought Hitler to the position of Head of State and Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces?

1) The death of President von Hindenburg
2) The Beer Hall Putsch
3) The Reichstag fire
4) The Night of the Long Knives

18) What took Hitler out of service in World War I?

1) Shrapnel
2) Bayonet
3) Machine-gun fire
4) Mustard gas

19) One of Hitler's strongest influences in Vienna is said to be his reading of a popular anti-Semitic journal, edited by Liebenfels. What was the name of this journal?

1) Ostara
2) Jud Suss
3) Jugend
4) Triumph des Willens

20) Which of the following methods did Hitler use to earn money while in Vienna?

1) Painting murals
2) Painting postcards
3) Painting portraits
4) Painting homes

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