Friday 22 June 2012

Movies Quiz - Part 2

Movies Quiz - Part 2

1) In 'The Sorcerer's Stone' what flavor jellybean does Dumbledore finally get?

1) Vomit
2) Earwax
3) Blueberry
4) Strawberry

2) In 'Goblet of Fire', who did Krum save in the second task?

1) Hermione
2) Igor Karkaoff
3) His brother
4) Ron

3) In 'Goblet of Fire' what figure did NOT come out of Voldemort's wand?

1) The old man, Frank Bryce
2) Cedric Diggory
3) Lily Potter
4) Bertha Jorkins

4) In 'Goblet of Fire', in what order were Harry, Ron, and their dates (the Patil twins) lined up when they were sittng by the table at the Yule Ball?

1) Ron, twin, Harry, twin
2) Harry, Ron, twin, twin
3) Twin, Harry, Ron, twin
4) Harry, twin, twin, Ron

5) In 'Goblet of Fire' at the World Cup, what stopped Fleur from saving her sister?

1) Grindylows
2) Merpeople
3) Seaweed
4) Nothing

6) In 'Goblet of Fire', who gave Harry the Gillyweed?

1) Dobby
2) Hermione
3) Prof. Sprout
4) Neville

7) In 'Goblet of Fire' at the World Cup, who said to Mr. Weasley, "If it rains, you will be the first to know?"?

1) Draco Malfoy
2) Igor Karkaoff
3) Ron Weasley
4) Lucius Malfoy

8) In 'Goblet of Fire', how many pumpkin pasties did Cho Chang get from the trolly on the Hogwarts Express?

1) 3
2) 2
3) 0
4) 1

9) Who directed the movie 'Goblet of Fire'?

1) Stuart Craig
2) David Barron
3) David Heyman
4) Mike Newell

10) In 'Goblet of Fire', at the end of what task does Ron make up with Harry?

1) They never had a fight
2) Second
3) First
4) Third

11) In 'Goblet of Fire', how does Wormtail bind Harry to Tom Riddle's grave?

1) With rope
2) With snake skin
3) Magically, with invisible binds
4) The grim reaper traps him

12) In 'Goblet of Fire', when Harry is in the bathtub and Moaning Myrtle comes into the bathroom, how does Harry try to cover himself?

1) With a towel
2) With the bubbles from the bath
3) He runs away
4) He ducks underwater

13) In 'Goblet of Fire', Harry is having a dream about Voldemort talking with Wormtail. How many other people are with Voldemort and Wormtail?

1) 0
2) 1
3) 2
4) 3

14) In 'Goblet of Fire', when Harry saw Viktor in the maze, what color were Viktor's eyes?

1) White
2) Blue
3) Black
4) Brown

15) In 'Goblet of Fire', who tells Harry to use gillyweed?

1) Dobby
2) Hermione
3) Neville
4) Mad-Eye Moody

16) In 'Goblet of Fire',Hermione said "Everything is going to change, isn't it?" What was Harry's response to Hermione?

1) I doubt it
2) No
3) Yes
4) Probably

17) During the second task, what charm does Cedric use to help him breathe underwater?

1) Aquavictora charm
2) Gillyweed charm
3) Bubblehead charm
4) Sharkhead charm

18) Ron and Harry fall out with each other as Ron thinks Harry entered the Tri-Wizard Tournament without telling him. What badges do people wear to express their annoyance at Harry?

1) Potter Stinks
2) Potter Pongs
3) Potter the Rotter
4) Harry Stinks

19) What does Filch do repeatedly throughout the film?

1) Plays the music too early
2) Chokes on his drink
3) Bumps into Dumbledore
4) Lets the cannon off too early

20) In 'Goblet of Fire', who do the Weasleys, Hermione and Harry meet on their way up to their seats at the Quidditch World Cup?

1) Draco Malfoy and Gregory Goyle
2) Severus Snape and Albus Dumbledore
3) Angelina Johnson and Katie Bell
4) Lucius and Draco Malfoy

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