Sunday 17 June 2012

76) Basic General Knowledge Questions - Part 76

This section consists of 20 basic general knowledge questions.

1.When was Indian Calender adopted officially?


2.Which act was introduced by British govt to address the short coming of the East India Company.

(A)Pitts India Act
(B)India Act 1784
(C)British Union Act
(D)1707 Act of Union

3.Pick the wrong one out:-

(A)Qutab Minar-Iltutmish
(B)Buland Darwaja-Akbar
(C)Gol Gumbaj-Md.Adil Shah
(D)Moti Masjid-Aurangzeb
(E)Above all are correct

4.Who founded the Banaras Hindu University ,the largest residential Central University in Asia located in Varanasi.

(B)Annie Besant
(C)Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya
(D)Jawahar lal Nehru
(E)None of the above

5.Range that rises in eastern Gujarat state near the Arabian Sea coast, running east through Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh to Chhattisgarh.?

(A)Vindhya Range
(B)Aravalli Range
(C)Toba Kakar Range
(D)Satpura Range
(E)None of the above

6.The most important aluminium ore is?


7.A goitre is also called as

(C)autoimmune disease
(E)None of the above

8.A civilization (mature period 2600–1900 BCE) which was centred mostly in the western part of the Indian Subcontinent?

(A)Vedic civilization
(C)Kushan Empire
(D)Indus Valley Civilization
(E)Pala Empire

9.Who made the discovery of X-Rays?

(A)John Ambrose Fleming
(B)Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen
(C)Charles Glover Barkla
(D)Nikola Tesla
(E)None of the above

10.Where is NATO Headquarter?

(B)New york
(E)Washington DC

11.Which is the country which has highest military Expenditure?

(A)United States
(D)United Kingdom

12.How many states does UAE consist of?


13.Who is the father of Botany?

(A)Adam Smith
(D)Carl Linnaeur
(E)None of the above

14.lightest and most abundant chemical element, constituting roughly 75 % of the Universe's elemental mass.


15.How many pairs of ribs are there in a human body?

(A)10 pairs
(B)12 pairs
(C)14 Pairs
(D)16 Pairs
(E)18 Pairs

16.Assembly languages are a family of __________________for programming computers, microprocessors, microcontrollers, and other (usually) integrated circuits.

(A)A Low level Languages
(B) A Medium level languages
(C)A high level languages
(D)All of the above
(E)None of the above

17.Who started the process of decentralization of finances in India.

(A)Lors rippon
(B)Lord Lansdowne
(C)Lord Mayo
(D)Lord Curzon
(E)Lord MintoII

18.Who is the author of the book"I too had a dream"

(A)Raindra Nath Tagore
(B)Ratan TaTa
(C)Verghese Kurien
(D)Anita Nair
(E)Amitav Ghosh

19.Who is the author of the book"I too had a dream"

(A)Raindra Nath Tagore
(B)Ratan TaTa
(C)Verghese Kurien
(D)Anita Nair
(E)Amitav Ghosh

20.World Health day is observed on?

(A)3 April
(B)4th April
(C)5th April
(D)6th April
(E)7th April