Saturday 9 June 2012

15) Basic General Knowledge Questions - Part 15

This Section  Consists of 20 basic general knowledge questions.

1.In which yearn Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana was launched?


2.Establishment of which of the following was a result of negotiation carried out in "Uruguay Round"?


3.On which of the following rates Reserve Bank of India provides loan to scheduled commercial banks ?

(A)Repo Rate
(B)Reverse Rate
(C)Credit Rate
(D)Bank Rate
(E)London Interbank Offer rate

4.What can be the number of members in a legislative assembly of a state in India?


5.Which among the following is not present in pure sugar ?

(E)None of them

6.Which of the following bacteria forms an endosymbiotic nitrogen fixing association with roots of legumes that helps in Nitrogen Fixation?

(E)None of them

7.In which of the following light produces image focus in front of the retina ?


8.Which among the following is not correctly matched?

(A)Electromagnetism - Faraday
(B)Principles of Inheritance- Darwin
(C)Laws of inertia - Newton
(D)Theory of Natural selection - Mendel
(E)All are correctly matched

9.The term "white coal " sometimes referred to which of the following?

(A)Geothermal Electricity
(B)Wind Energy
(D)Biomass Energy
(E)None of them

10.Sun accounts for approximately what fraction of total mass of Solar System ?


11. Phobos and Deimos are the natural satellites of which of the following planets?


12.Dalton's name is associated with which of the following terms?


13.Daltonism is the name referred to which of the following disorders as this name was kept in honour of John Dalton , the father of atomic theory?

(B)Color Blindness
(C)Night Blindness

14.The branch of science Herpatology deals with the study of ?

(D)Amphibians and Reptiles

15.Which of the following country has a motto of "Liberty, Equality and Fraternity"?


16.Which of the following is the source of adult human stem cell?

(B)Bone Marrow

17.Which of the following work as bioindicator of environmental pollution?

(B)Coral Reefs

18.Which of the following is a light-emitting biological pigments found in lower organisms that causes bioluminescence ?


19.In Context with the computer terminology, how many bits are there in a nibble?


20.The Umoja Project of United Nations is related to which of the following?

(A)Information Technology
(B)Enterprise Resource Planning
(C)Content Management
(D)Software Development
(E)Internet Development

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