Sunday 1 April 2012

Download EBook - The Peril at End House by Christie, Agatha

Book Name : The Peril at End House
Author : Christie, Agatha
No. of Pages : 227

Summary : (Taken from Wikipedia)

Detective Hercule Poirot and Captain Arthur Hastings are spending a week's holiday at the Cornish resort of St. Loo, staying at the Majestic Hotel. They meet the young 'Nick' Buckley (her real first name being Magdala), who lives in End House, a slightly ramshackle house on a point in the bay. Nick casually mentions that she had three lucky escapes from death in as many days. Nick thinks nothing of this, but Poirot believes someone is out to kill her. This is confirmed when Poirot finds a bullet that Nick had thought to be a wasp shooting past her head. Poirot explains his concern to Nick, who does not believe him until the bullet is revealed to be from Nick’s gun, which has gone missing. Because the attacks on Nick’s life have been constant, Poirot does not believe it to be a random madman, but rather someone in Nick’s inner circle. Poirot begins to go through possible suspects. Nick’s nearest living relative is a lawyer cousin, Charles Vyse, who arranged the re-mortgaging on End House for her to supply desperately needed funds. Her housekeeper is named Ellen, and the lodge near End House is being leased by Mr. and Mrs. Croft, an Australian couple. Nick’s two closest friends are Freddie Rice, whom Nick is trying to persuade to divorce her abusive husband, and Jim Lazarus, an art dealer who is in love with Freddie. Finally there is George Challenger, who cares deeply for Nick and has considered proposing to her.
Poirot instructs Nick to ask a distant relative to stay with her for the time being and protect her, so Nick asks her cousin Maggie to come. Poirot is now sure Nick is safe, but is mystified as to what motive there would be for killing Nick. Nick made a will six months previously in which she left the house to Charles Vyse and anything that remained to Freddie, but the amount would be so small that Poirot thinks it to be pointless to kill for it. That night, Nick holds a party with all of her closest friends in attendance, except Challenger who is delayed. The guests discuss whether the famous but currently missing pilot Michael Seton is really dead or not. At one point Nick leaves to take a phone call. When everyone is outside, Nick and Maggie go back into the house to fetch their coats. Poirot and Hastings later find the dead body of someone wearing Nick’s shawl. They immediately assume it is Nick, however they soon discover that Nick is fine, and that the dead person was Maggie. Maggie was wearing Nick’s shawl because she could not find her coat, so the murderer assumed she was Nick and shot her.
Nick breaks down over Maggie’s death, thinking it was her fault. Challenger soon arrives and is relieved to know the dead girl is not Nick. Poirot and Hastings interview Ellen who strangely was not watching the fireworks; she says she stayed behind to finish washing the dishes. Ellen also mentions a secret panel somewhere in the house, but does not know exactly where it is. Nick later says she has never heard of such a panel. Poirot is incredibly distraught that he could not save Maggie, and he vows he will not fail in finding the murderer. Poirot then sends Nick to a nursing home under the pretense of the shock, but really so she can be protected. No one is to see her, and she cannot eat any food sent from the outside. Poirot still has no idea why someone would want to kill Nick. The next day Poirot sees in the paper that the pilot Michael Seton is in fact dead, and realizes that that was what the telephone call was about. Nick confirms this and tells Poirot and Hastings that she was secretly engaged to Seton. Poirot thinks that even though this was a secret, someone close to Nick probably found out.
Poirot believes this to be important, because if Seton died then his fortune would go to Nick, and if Nick died it would go to Freddie. Thus Poirot considers Freddie an important suspect. He is also suspicious of Charles Vyse, because he may think he gets Nick’s money upon her death instead of Freddie. Poirot and Hastings search Nick’s house for the will. They find a few love letters from Seton, but not the will. Nick then remembers she sent it to Charles Vyse; however, when Poirot visits Vyse he says he never got the will. Poirot visits the Crofts next, because it was they who convinced Nick to make a will in the first place, when she was to get her appendix removed. Mr. Croft says that he sent the will to Vyse. Poirot reasons that either Vyse or Croft are lying, although he does not know why. Poirot does not believe the Crofts are connected to the murder, however he is still suspicious of them, mainly because they are just too nice. He asks his friend Chief Inspector Japp of Scotland Yard to check up on the Crofts. Another possible clue is a piece of paper the police found which is apparently part of a letter demanding money, although the author and recipient are unknown. When Freddie later sees this piece of paper she almost faints.
Poirot still believes the will to be very important, so he and Hastings travel to London to visit Michael Seton’s solicitor, who confirms Seton’s will leaves his vast fortune to Magdala Buckley. Upon returning to St Loo, Poirot finds there has been another attempt on Nick’s life, this time cocaine poisoning. Nick apparently ate a chocolate laced with cocaine. As she only ate one, Nick only became ill and was not killed. Further complicating matters is that the box of chocolate was supposedly sent by Poirot as it contained a card which he had sent with a bouquet of flowers. Poirot finds that Jim Lazarus dropped off the box; he tells them he did this on behalf of Freddie. Freddie says that Nick called her and asked for the chocolates, but her voice sounded a little different, so it might have been someone else. This puts even more suspicion on Freddie, because Poirot can easily tell that she is a cocaine addict, so she would have easy access to the supply.
Poirot is still baffled by the case, but things soon begin to fall into place when he reads a letter that Maggie wrote after arriving at End House. Hastings cannot see anything important in the letter, but it still sparks Poirot’s interest. Poirot soon makes a plan; he will put on an elaborate hoax that the murderer has succeeded and that Nick is dead. After a day of waiting for something to happen, Poirot gets a call from Charles Vyse, who tells him he has just received Nick’s lost will. Poirot debates what to do with this information. Hastings makes a half-serious comment that, should all else fail, they should attempt to hold a séance and speak with Maggie’s spirit. Poirot then suggests that he hold a séance of his own, since Nick is supposedly dead. One final thing helps Poirot solve the case; a conversation he and Hastings have on how some names have no shorter versions, and others have many.
Poirot invites all of the suspects to End House for the will to be read by Charles Vyse. Chief Inspector Japp also attends. The will says that Nick leaves all of her belongings to a very unlikely person: Mrs. Croft, who apparently helped Nick’s father in Australia. Everyone is surprised except the Crofts. But then the lights go out and Nick appears. Most assume she is a ghost, but Nick then explains how she is alive and how the will is a fake. Poirot explains the rest. The Crofts are professional forgers, as found out by Chief Inspector Japp. They had convinced Nick to make a will, and were intending to send to Charles Vyse a fake one should she die during her operation. Even though Nick did not die then, the Crofts kept the fake will and sent it in when they thought Nick had died for real. But, the Crofts did not murder Maggie. At that moment a shot is fired from the window and grazes Freddie’s shoulder. Poirot rushes to the window and brings inside a sickly looking man who soon dies. This is Freddie’s drug addicted husband. He was the one who wrote the letter demanding money. He had threatened to kill Freddie if she did not pay him, and had come to the meeting to do just that. Freddie supposes that, in her husband’s drug addicted state, he killed Maggie, thinking she was Freddie. However, Poirot says that the murderer was not Freddie’s husband, but someone else entirely: Nick Buckley. Nick confesses and is taken away by the police after asking for Freddie’s watch as a souvenir.
Poirot explains Nick’s plan to Hastings, Vyse, Challenger, Freddie, and Lazarus, after Ellen leaves and the Crofts are arrested. Nick was never engaged to Michael Seton. Maggie was; her first name was Magdala too. Nick was the only person who knew about the engagement, so she also knew how Seton’s will stated all his money would go to “Magdala Buckley”. With Michael missing and presumed deceased, Nick saw an opportunity to kill Maggie and pretend to be engaged to Seton, thus inheriting his money to fix up End House. Nick staged the attempts on her life herself, and then asked Maggie to join her at End House. When Poirot suggested Maggie come for protection, Nick simply asked her to come a day earlier. This is what Maggie mentioned in her letter that caught Poirot’s eye. Nick also sent the poison chocolates to herself to keep up the pretence (she simply disguised her voice a bit when talking to Freddie), as well as stealing some of Michael's letters to Maggie and planting them in her house - but only the ones in which he did not address her by name. Nick then killed Maggie at the party, making it look like another attempt on her life. Poirot admits that he was baffled by the case because he never suspected Nick; he was only able to figure it out once he assumed everything Nick said was a lie.
With the mystery of the murder solved, Poirot takes some time to answer a few remaining questions. The secret panel is real; in fact, Nick had hidden the pistol there and planted it on Freddie to incriminate her, which Japp witnessed. Ellen did not go to see the fireworks because she was suspicious that someone would be killed, although she thought it would be Nick. Challenger is in fact a drug dealer who had been supplying Freddie (although she is no longer taking it) and Nick with cocaine, which is how Nick poisoned the chocolate. Poirot instructs Challenger to flee the scene or face punishment, and Challenger promptly leaves. Finally, the watch Nick got from Freddie through Challenger contains a fatal dosage of cocaine, which Nick has no doubt already taken to escape the hangman’s noose. Poirot then leaves End House, happy to have solved the case, while Jim Lazarus and Freddie announce their intent to marry.

Note : This book is in the epub format. you need sony reader for pc to be pre-installed in your computer to read this book. you can download sony reader for pc software from this link.(

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