Sunday 1 April 2012

Download EBook - Murder in Mesopotamia by Christie, Agatha

Book Name : Murder in Mesopotamia
Author : Christie, Agatha
No. of Pages : 273

Summary : (Taken from Wikipedia)

Dr. Leidner is a Swedish American archaeologist on a dig near Hassanieh, Iraq, then a British protectorate. A middle aged man, he is married just two years to a beautiful woman. His wife Louise was married briefly during the Great War 15 years earlier in 1918, to a Frederick Bosner. He was a young man who worked for the U.S. State Department but was actually a spy for Germany. He was caught, tried and sentenced to death. He managed to escape while he was being transported. It was to no avail as he ended up on a train that crashed; a body bearing his identification was found in the wreckage.
Amy Leatheran is a nurse working in Iraq when she meets Dr. Leidner. He asks her to join the dig to look after his wife. Mrs. Leidner has been frightened by weird goings on, such as a ghostly face appearing just outside her window one night and threatening letters. Mrs. Leidner confides to Nurse Leatheran that she had received similar threatening letters several years before that were worded as if written by her dead first husband. They arrived every time she would go out with a new man, then stopped when she broke off the relationship. One of the letters was signed with her late husband's name. She had no letters from him from their short marriage, so she could not ascertain whether the letters were truly written by him. No letters arrived before she met and married Dr. Leidner. She hoped that experience was behind her. Its recurrence at the dig made her very nervous.
Nurse Leatheran settles in to the routine of the archeological dig, with its mix of local people and scientists or enthusiasts from England, America, and France. The young men seem to be in puppy love with Mrs Leidner, while Dr. Leidner's long time colleague Richard Carey is formal and terse at meals with her. Miss Johnson is a long time part of the team, and she, Nurse Leatheran decides, is more than ordinarily attracted to the head of the team. This dig, the whole team seems on edge, unlike previous years. It had been a group known for good humor and good relations among all the varied specialists and workers. Mrs. Leidner begins to be at ease as she trusts the nurse brought in to be her companion. Other strangers make her jump, as shown when the pair observe an unknown man at the house, peering in a window. She is calmed only when Father Lavigny explains who the man is, and the man leaves.
A week after the nurse's arrival, Mrs. Leidner is found dead by her husband in her room. He calls the nurse in to the room, as he cannot handle this loss. His wife was struck fatally on the head with a large blunt object. Nurse Leatheran observes that the murder weapon is not in the room. Capt. Maitland spoke with all in the house, while Dr. Reilly inspected the body. They establish the time line, and are certain it is an inside job. The Belgian detective Hercule Poirot is also traveling in Iraq; his old friend Dr. Reilly asks him to solve the crime, on behalf of Dr. Leidner.
Poirot questions everyone informally. It is rapidly apparent to all that the murderer of Mrs Leidner must be one of us as no "strangers" were seen by anyone, archeologist, servant, or worker, at the house or courtyard in the time when she was murdered. The only entry to the bedroom is from the house, as the one window is barred, and was shut when her body was discovered. Miss Johnson thought she heard a cry, but disbelieves her own ears when she learns that the window was closed, no way for any sound to reach her. This adds to the tensions in the group, who try to carry on as Dr. Leidner arranges for his wife's funeral and the local police begin their work, along with Poirot.
The first round of questions show no obvious suspect, as everyone can account for their time, in the sight of others. In his way, Poirot considers each in turn, as available or capable of the crime.
Away from the dig at Dr Reilly's home, Nurse Leatheran tells Poirot the story of Mrs. Leidner's earlier life, her first marriage, its end, and the young brother in law she has not seen in 15 years. Poirot speculates that one of the members of the dig may, in fact, be this younger brother, William Bosner. Two of the young men are the right age. He goes further, wondering if the older men at the dig could be her first husband, as the identity of the body in the train wreck could not be certain. They meet Sheila Reilly, who adds another perspective on the murdered woman, as one who must have the attention of every man around her. Dr. Reilly adds his own views, calling her a belle dame sans merci[5]. Poirot considers whether Nurse Leatheran is safe to return to the house, remarking that murder is a habit. She does return, wanting to properly end her connection with Dr. Leidner, and to attend the funeral.
After the funeral, late in the day, Miss Johnson is on the house roof. Nurse Leatheran joins her, seeing how very distracted and upset she appears. Miss Johnson makes clear she has had a new thought about how someone could enter without being seen, but explains nothing. She must think about it more.
That night, Miss Johnson is murdered in her bed, dying with Nurse Leatheran at her side, trying to revive her. The method was rather vicious, poisoning by hydrochloric acid substituted in the glass of water on her nightstand. She manages to choke out the words "The window! The window!" before she dies. Nurse Leatheran first makes it clear this was no suicide, thinking the words indicate how her water was replaced by the acid – through her window.
Poirot now has two murders to solve. He considers it a crime passionnel, in which he must understand the character of Louise Leidner to solve both murders.
Poirot solves the crimes, but has no proof. He presents his results to the group at the house, after a day of sending telegrams all over the world. He analyzes each person in turn, before explaining the resolution with its complex motives and surprising events.
Mrs. Leidner and Miss Johnson were killed by Dr. Leidner—who is, in fact, Frederick Bosner. He survived the train crash; but a young Swedish archaeologist named Erich Leidner did not, and was disfigured beyond facial recognition. Bosner traded identities with the dead man. Fifteen years later, established in the dead man's career, he remarried his wife, who did not recognize him.
Dr. Leidner sent the letters to discourage Louise from her other relationships. When he married her again under his new identity, he stopped writing them. He saw that Mrs Leidner was falling in love with Richard Carey, his own friend. If Leidner could not have Louise, no one could. Thus he planned to murder her, in the twisted logic of this murderer.
How did he do it? Dr. Leidner committed the crime without ever leaving the roof as he sorted pottery. Louise Leidner took an afternoon rest as her husband and the rest of the team were working. She heard a noise, then saw a mask at her window. She realized this simple mask was the same image that appeared as a head without a body one night a few weeks earlier. Determined to know her tormenter, she opened the window and stuck her head out through the bars. She is bludgeoned with a heavy stone quern dropped by her husband, above her on the roof. Dr. Leidner retrieved the murder weapon with the rope tied through a hole in the quern. Mrs. Leidner cried out briefly; it was this cry that Miss Johnson heard.
Dr. Leidner altered the scene of the crime before anyone else saw his wife or her room. When he climbed down from the roof as usual to see his wife in her room, he moved her body away from the window, and moved the blood-stained rug near the jug and bowl. Lastly he shut the window before calling Nurse Leatheran to the room, while he nursed his grief at this shocking loss.
When planning the murder, Dr. Leidner made every effort to divert suspicion from himself. This is the true reason Dr. Leidner asked Nurse Leatheran to join the expedition. The nurse would be his perfect alibi, a competent medical professional on the spot to state the time of death.
Dr. Leidner was on the roof when Miss Johnson talked with the nurse about her new idea. Though she has kept quiet, Dr. Leidner realises that she may eventually crack. That night he plants the missing murder weapon under her bed while she sleeps, and replaces a glass of water on her bedside table with hydrochloric acid. His notion is that once she is found, everyone will think she murdered Louise so she could seduce her husband and, overcome by remorse, killed herself. Indeed, Capt. Maitland saw things that way on his first arrival at the house when her death was discovered.
Poirot realized another sort of crime had taken place at the dig. The man Louise and Nurse Leatheran saw looking through the antika room window in that peaceful week was Ali Yusuf, a known associate of Raoul Menier, a skilled thief of antiquities. Raoul Menier joined the expedition disguised as epigraphist Father Lavigny, a Catholic cleric with a wide reputation. He was not known personally to any in the team, allowing this simple ruse. Lavigny was too ill to join as planned. Menier intercepted the wire declining the invitation to the dig. Thus he had a free hand to steal precious artifacts from the dig and replace them with near-perfect copies made on site. The two were captured boarding a steamer at Beyrouth by the police, who had been warned by Poirot.
Dr. Leidner yielded to the truth, gave himself in.
Not long after, young Sheila Reilly married David Emmott, a suitable match. Nurse Leatheran returned to England, where she thought often of her adventure in the East.

Note : This book is in the epub format. you need sony reader for pc to be pre-installed in your computer to read this book. you can download sony reader for pc software from this link.(

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