Inventions Quiz - Part 2
1) In which decade was the ARRL founded?
1) 1940s
2) 1930s
3) 1920s
4) 1910s
2) In which decade was the SPICE simulator introduced?
1) 1950s
2) 1960s
3) 1970s
4) 1980s
3) In which decade with the first transatlantic radio broadcast occur?
1) 1850s
2) 1860s
3) 1870s
4) 1900s
4) In which decade was the AEEE (now the IEEE) founded?
1) 1850s
2) 1880s
3) 1930s
4) 1950s
5) In which decade was the telephone invented?
1) 1850s
2) 1860s
3) 1870s
4) 1880s
6) In which decade were the first successful diode and triode vacuum tubes invented?
1) 1800s
2) 1880s
3) 1890s
4) 1900s
7) In which decade was the first solid state integrated circuit demonstrated?
1) 1950s
2) 1960s
3) 1970s
4) 1980s
8) In which decade was the Internet first implemented?
1) 1940s
2) 1950s
3) 1960s
4) 1980s
9) In which decade was the telegraph invented?
1) 1810s
2) 1840s
3) 1870s
4) 1890s
10) In which decade was the transistor invented?
1) 1940s
2) 1950s
3) 1960s
4) 1980s
11) The initials JCB on earth-moving equipment are those of the founder of the company that makes it. What is his name?
1) John Christopher Ballantyne
2) Joseph Cyril Bamford
3) John Christopher Baxter
4) Jack Croxford Baker
12) 1) Yorkshire
2) Lancashire
3) Staffordshire
4) Norfolk
When was Milk Tray first introduced?
13) 1) 1915
2) 1934
3) 1923
4) 1942
Until Victorian times, chocolate was thought of as a drink. When did the first chocolate bar appear?
14) 1) 1828
2) 1831
3) 1825
4) There is no sure date
Who was the first person to patent the JET ENGINE?
15) 1) F. Whittle
2) C. Lindbergh
3) W. Histell
4) B. Owings
Who came up with the idea for INSTANT MASHED POTATO?
16) 1) S. Tuberosum
2) W. Raleigh
3) E. Asselbergs
4) K. Edwards
It travels over land and water. Who invented the HOVERCRAFT?
17) 1) S. Sperrow
2) O. Stricheg
3) T. Henman
4) C. Cockerell
18) 1) Cohen & Boyer
2) Hunt & Davids
3) Sinclair & Roberts
4) Jaysson & Simons
FROZEN FOOD - Who discovered the first practical method of freezing food?
19) 1) C. Birdseye
2) F. Rozenosh
3) G. Findus
4) R. Scott
The ELECTRIC BATTERY, who's charged with inventing this one?
20) 1) Hertz
2) Amper
3) Galvani
4) Volta
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