Books Quiz - Part 2
1) Who is the author of Nineteen Eighty-Four?
1) George Orwell
2) Charles Dickens
3) Aldous Huxley
4) Jules Verne
2) Who is the author of Ulysses?
1) Umberto Eco
2) Theodore Dreiser
3) James Joyce
4) J.R.R. Tolkien
3) Who is the author of Sense And Sensibility?
1) Jane Austen
2) Emily Bronte
3) Charlotte Bronte
4) E.M. Forster
4) "There are more things on heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." This is a famous quote from which play by Shakespeare?
1) Hamlet
2) Julius Caesar
3) King Lear
4) Romeo Juliet
5) Which literary award did Jhumpa Lahiri's Interpreter Of Maladies win?
1) Gyanpeeth Award
2) The Nobel Prize for Literature
3) The Pulitzer
4) No Award was Won
6) "Tomorrow is just another day." Which famous American novel ends with this sentence?
1) Roots
2) Gone with the Wind
3) The Great Gatsby
4) Seeds
7) Which book about adolescent angst portrayed through the hilarious misadventures of its 16-year-old protagonist Holden Caulfield is considered a masterpiece of modern literature?
1) To Kill A Mockingbird
2) Bridget Jones' Diary
3) The Catcher in the Rye
4) The Dog Catcher
8) Which play by George Bernard Shaw is based on the mythical Greek story of a sculptor who fell in love with Galatea, a lovely statue made by him?
1) Man and Superman
2) Saint Joan
3) SuperGirl
4) Pygmalion
9) The Famous Five often go off to an island and have one of their fantastic adventures. What is this island called?
1) Timbuctoo
2) Kirrin Island
3) Fairy Isle
4) None
10) Who wrote the book "The Origin of Species"?
1) Sir Alexander Fleming
2) Louis Pasteur
3) Charles Darwin
4) Stephen Hawking
11) Which “iconic” author appears on the cover of the Beatles Sgt Pepper LP?
1) Rudyard Kipling
2) Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
3) Lewis Carroll
4) Captain W. E. Johns
12) The footballer Roy of the Rovers appeared in which children's comic?
1) The Beano
2) The Dandy
3) The Tiger
4) The Whopper
13) On which Greek island is Gerald Durrell's famous book "My Family And Other Animals" set?
1) Crete
2) Corfu
3) Mykonos
4) Spetses
14) In which city's open market did Marks and Spencer's start?
1) Manchester
2) Bradford
3) Barnsley
4) Leeds
15) Which author is Kipling referring to when he writes "He had 'jazzed' the motif of the "Jungle Books" and, I imagine, had thorougly enjoyed himself"?
1) Richard Adams
2) Edgar Rice Bourroughs
3) James Barrie
4) L. Frank Baum
16) "The Jungle Books" are more than just Mowgli. Which of these stories does not appear in "The Jungle Books"?
1) The White Seal
2) The Undertakers
3) On Greenhow Hill
4) Rikki-Tikki-Tavi
17) Who are "The Little People of the Rocks", who Mowgli uses against the Red Dogs?
1) Snakes
2) Bees
3) A kind of Indian fairy, or genii
4) A neighbouring wolf pack
18) From whom did Mowgli get the idea for how to defeat the Dhole, the Red Dogs?
1) Bagheera
2) Kaa
3) Buldeo
4) Akela
19) Who guards the treasure chamber where Mowgli finds the King's Ankus?
1) A Hindu god
2) The white cobra
3) Bees
4) Kaa
20) In "Letting in the Jungle", who is Mowgli's chief ally in his destruction of the village?
1) Baloo
2) Grey Brother
3) Raksha
4) Hathi
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