Animal Quiz - Part 5
1) The goldfinch's favorite kind of food is_______seed.
1) Thistle
2) Safflower
3) Sunflower
4) Millet
2) Which of the following is not a bird commonly found at feeders?
1) Dark-eyed Junco
2) American Avocet
3) Black-capped Chickadee
4) Carolina Wren
3) Which of these species of birds eats both meat and plants as an adult?
1) Sunbird
2) Vulture
3) Flycatcher
4) Blue jay
4) What kind of bird is now extinct?
1) Great frigate bird
2) Passenger pigeon
3) Kakapo
4) African snipe
5) How many toes do ostriches have on each foot?
1) 4
2) 2
3) 5
4) 3
6) Which bird belongs to the Struthioniformes order?
1) Woodpecker
2) Rhea
3) Ostrich
4) Crane
7) About how many species of birds are there?
1) Over 50,000
2) Over 100,000
3) Over 9,000
4) Over 20,000
8) Falconiformes include which birds?
1) Albatross, petrels
2) Storks, herons
3) Hawks, eagles, vultures
4) Swifts, hummingbirds
9) Pigeons occupy which order of birds?
1) Cuculiformes
2) Coraciiformes
3) Charadriiformes
4) Columbiformes
10) Sixty percent of all birds fall into which order?
1) Passeriformes
2) Apodiformes
3) Coraciiformes
4) Strigiformes
11) The order Anseriformes is comprised of what?
1) Pigeons
2) Owls
3) Ducks
4) Woodpeckers
12) The ostrich belongs to what order of birds?
1) Rheiformes
2) Piciformes
3) Gaviiformes
4) Struthioniformes
13) What seagull is the only all-white seagull?
1) White Gull
2) Heerman's Gull
3) Ghost Gull
4) Ivory Gull
14) What woodpecker was the largest of the woodpeckers but is now most likely extinct?
1) Ivory-billed Woodpecker
2) Crested Caracara
3) Red-headed Woodpecker
4) Northern Flicker
15) What bird looks almost exactly like the Sharp-shinned Hawk, but is actually a different and slightly larger species?
1) Swainson's Hawk
2) Cooper's Hawk
3) Red-shouldered Hawk
4) There is no such thing as a Sharp-shinned Hawk
16) What bird's call do movies usually use in scenes such as mountains, canyons and cliffs, and sometimes even deserts?
1) Red-tailed Hawk
2) Golden Eagle
3) Bald Eagle
4) Peregrine Falcon
17) What is another name for a Pigeon?
1) Common Dove
2) City Dove
3) Rock Dove
4) It has no other name
18) This is a small nocturnal primate with very large eyes.
1) Whale
2) Mongoose
3) Bush Baby
4) Bonobo
19) Where do you find tigers?
1) Africa
2) Asia
3) South America
4) Australia
20) Which animal has the biggest eye--ten times bigger than a human eye?
1) Whale
2) Mongoose
3) Bush Baby
4) Giant Squid
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