Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Create Multiple acounts in websites like twitter using the same email id

Hi friends,
Many of us are using twitter in our day to day life. Some people used to have more than one accounts in twitter. A person should have 3 different email addresses if he wants to have 3 twitter accounts because no one can create multiple accounts using the same email id. 

Now i am going to tell you how to create multiple accounts using the same email id in twitter. 

Gmail does not take into account the periods(dots) in between your email id. We are going to use this to create multiple accounts in twitter.
(i.e) if your gmail id is mgshiningshower@gmail.com and your password is mgshiningshower
you can log into your gmail account using the following ids and password.

USERNAME : mgshiningshower@gmail.com
PASSWORD : mgshiningshower

USERNAME : mg.shiningshower@gmail.com
PASSWORD : mgshiningshower

USERNAME : mgshining.shower@gmail.com
PASSWORD : mgshiningshower

USERNAME : mg.shining.shower@gmail.com
PASSWORD : mgshiningshower

If you try to log into gmail using all these four ids, you will be taken into the same account.

Now you are clear with the concept i think. Just add the period(dot) inbetween your email id to make it as a different email id and use it to create another twitter account.

Twitter consider your email id as different one but the fact is that you have given the same email id. 

If your actual email id is mgshiningshower@gmail.com but you used mg.shiningshower@gmail.com to create your twitter account, you will receive all the mails from the twitter in mgshiningshower@gmail.com gmail account.

Many sites are not aware of this. so many sites considers these ids as the different one but the real fact is that all belongs to the same gmail accounts ids.

I tried it in twitter and facebook. It works in twitter bt not in facebook. 
So you cant use this trick in all sites. This trick works only in some of the sites to create multiple accounts using the same email id.

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